
How did karl marx influenced world?

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How did karl marx influenced world?




  1. He wrote a book full of half- baked theories, which served as a justification for the murder of over 100 milion people. And we're still counting

    Seems there is no lack of people who believe that a social parasite who has not worked even one day in his life somehow becomes an expert on society and economy just by the fact of writing a book  (and publishing it at the expense of his friend's father)

  2. he wrote the Communist Manifesto with Engels ... generated Communist sentiments around the world.. made people question and critique the mechanics and implications of a capitalistic economic system

  3. He wrote the Communist Manifesto and founded Communism which lead to hundreds of deaths and started a race between AMerica and Russia leading to lunar landings and the production of nuclear missles and MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction)

  4. He gave a shape to political economy and it became one of the prime factor in creating welfare state in modern times. It was his thought which made Russia a modern state by throwing away yoke of monarchy and leaders like Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin and Putin owe their rise to him

  5. he was actually the father of communism

  6. He wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848 and is known as the father of Communism.

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