
How did men come to be men today?

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Explain how did evolution take place, and how people came to be of different colors and speak different languages.




  1. two words

    good luck

  2. Evolution by natural selection explains how life evolved on the planet.  That explains how we physically evolved at least.  

    The reason that some people are darker has to do primarily with two factors.  One factor is that melanin is used to prevent too much ultraviolet light from damaging the skin.  The body can take some damage from UV and has special enzymes that can repair the damage.  If it is too intense the repair enzymes are overwhelmed and the skin is burned.  The person who gets burned by the sun often would be better off and more fit if he were darker or if he lived at a latitude where the intensity of the UV was less.

    The other primary factor is that UV light is needed to convert ergosterol into vitamin D in the skin.  If you live in a northern latitude then you will not be getting sufficient vitamin D and that will disrupt the absorption of calcium which is obviously vital to the health.  Humans who lived at higher latitudes evolved lighter skin to optimize the amount of vitamin D produced.

    Human language changes very quickly.  If you listened to an English speaker from a thousand years ago, you wouldn't be able to understand much.  Multiply that by 10's of thousands of years or possibly longer and you can see how different groups of humans develop distinctive languages.

  3. One Word - MUTATIONS

  4. Man evolved in the mind of God and he created them with the genetic codes for all the known races and the languages evolved over time from the distances between the tribes of men and the need for new words to describe new technologies..

  5. oh the old question, requires the old answer

    Babel, gateway to god, an illegal one of coruse so god knocks it down, confuses the languages and creates them, and people are told to scatter .

    At the site of babel, is a city called babylon. The translation of basbylon means land of confusion. Thats the translation, do it hebrew, do it in arabic, do it in farsi you get the same thing. ASo what was the confusion?

    how did babylon get it's name why is it called that. Because thats where the confusion and creation of languages started.

    I didn't give the city that name, the people who built it did, and at that time they knew all about the confusion.

    THe proof can be found by looking for similarities in languages with countries that have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

    Therefore i would not use european languages for this, as they are all related throguh Latin.

    Choose continents which are far away from each other and avoid cross continental languages like french, spanish and english.

    I am going to pick 2 countries which i beleive be everyones standards have nothing to do with each other linguistically or culturally.

    Nigeria and japan

    here are some names  surnames:






    Haruna, Sambo, Pankan, Kwashi, Imoko, Chika, Azuka, Ezuka, Koma, Zoro, Watanabe, Nene, Osato, Osaru, Okada, Edo, Baba, Emiko, Kano, Nana, Aya, Tami, Tai, Sada, Ikimi, Ume,

    Now you tell me, are they japanese or nigerian.

    japanese people recoginze them as jaapnese.

    But nigerian people recognize these names too as they are also nigerian.

    also chekc these further simliarities

    Azuma-san : mountian (japanese nihongo)

    Zuma Rock , Nigerian (niger state)

    Tobi-shima (island) Japan

    Tobi: Rivers State in nigeria, + a nigerian name


    Akō: Yoruba, excessive pride :nigeria

    Akan(town) :japan

    Akandu: Ibo male name:nigerian

    Ibara(town): japan

    Ibarapa, Oyo State :nigeria

    Minna-jima (island) :japan

    Minna, Niger State :nigeria

    Here are some more first names with their menaings:

    Rẹmi f :japanese

    Rẹmilẹkun f Yoruba ‘wipe my tears’:nigeria

    Chikuma f :japanese

    Chukwuma (Chi ukwu ma) m Igbo ‘[bigger] god knows’ :nigerian

    Tai fm :japanese

    Taiwo Yoruba ‘first of twins’ : nigerian

    Fumi f :japanese

    Funmilayọ f Yoruba ‘gave me joy’ :nigeria

    Ginko f:japanese

    Ginika mf Igbo ‘what is greather than [this?’ :nigerian

    Goro m :japanese

    Goro Hausa kolanut :nigeria

    Ibi s :japanese

    Ibi Yoruba ‘place’ :nigeria

    Omezo  :japanese

    Ọmẹiza  Ebira ‘has done well:nigeria

    Eijiro f: japanese

    Ẹjiro  Urhobo ‘praise’ :nigeria

    Gombei m :Japanese

    Gombe State:nigeria

    Baba s:nihongo

    Baba ‘family head’:nigerian

    Chika f ‘wisdom’ :japanese

    Chika mf Igbo ‘god is greater’ :nigeria

    Akẹmi f ‘bright and beautiful’:japanese

    Oluwakẹmi f Yoruba ‘god bless me’ :nigeria

    Now how did all those similarities arise from continets that are thousands of miles apart, from peoples that are completely different,

    there are more similariites between japanese and nigeran language than there are between japanese and korean language!!!!!!!

    you reckon it was alll just one big coincidence

    The tower of babel and babylon appearing to make more sense now

    why do you reckon the japanese have that dispassion and turn theiur nose down at black people, it's almolst an innate response, where do you think it comes from?

    I'm not blaming them as it's the culture they have inherited,

    AS you can see, this does not take 10,000 years or mutations

    also adaption, mutations, and variations, are not proof of evolution, as these do not result in humans or monketys or common ancestors reproducing anything else but thier own kind.

    ~So i really eish evolutionist stop using these terms we can all see to proovwe something they themselves and everybody else can not see, has not seen, or even with all the fossil evidnece has yet to see.

    take a look at those similairites and findings with the nigerian language it really is an eye opener

    this is evidence

    interesting huh

  6. Visualize several tree trunks and on those trunks form branches and on those branches form stems and on those stems form twigs.  

    Some of the branches and twigs die off while others continue to grow because nothing is static as change is essential to growth.

    Think of a rock that hit another rock that hit another rock and all the molecules of all the rocks have the basic molecules that are in all non living and living things.

    Now, go to PBS.ORG and type in evolution in the search engine and have fun learning.

  7. Well, all human males were born as  chimpanzees, and then somewhere around the teenage years developed into apes, and then at around age 21, adult men started shaving, and finally begin to look like....well, MEN!

  8. Evolution doesn't exist, God created man.  God created every person on this earth past, present & future.  

    Evolution is a theory, a lie someone made up b/c they didn't believe in God.  You're living a lie if you believe in evolution - it's a complete joke.  

    Think about it, yeah we have similarities with monkeys but we didn't come from them.  So I eat bananas too doesn't mean I came from a monkey.

    People eat apples & carrots does that mean we're part horse too?  People eat fish does that mean we're part bear or cat?  By the time I get done comparing humans to animals we'd be nothing but animals.  We mine as well start walking on four legs & bark at a tree.  Think about it man, evolution is basically a theory that humans developed from animals - if that's true I guess we're really animals.  Doesn't make any sense.

  9. Well, in the case of Republican Politicians becoming a real man is mostly advertising. The few real men who are republicans such as John McCain get trashed by the party apparat each time they wish to run for office. Girly-boys don’t really like real men.

    Remember little Kenny whayshisname Star who prosecuted Clinton?

    Jaysus, what a girly-boy that one was.

    I appologize, I know this is not what you meant but I couldn’t prevent myself. “If it walks like a duck…” you know the quote.

    A more serious answer is that we all came from Africa which science has decided is the cradle of human life, mankind, the species, Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Our modern evolution is just the latest in our evolution and if you go back far enough in world history, say about 6 million years give or take a few, the Chimpanzee and us modern humans have a common ancestor.

    When you hear people say that “we came from apes or monkeys, you may ignore whatever else they say because they have no idea from which they speak. The only problem with evolution is not with the theory but with bible trumpery and it’s misconceptions causing its refusal to accept that which they don’t understand. The sad thing is, people who refuse to understand science could really understand it if they only tried.

    Jim D

  10. that is forbidden for you to know, at this time, my fellow servant and brother-in-arms.

  11. You do not want much, do you? Go here and perhaps you will find what you are looking for. Many links.

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