
How did men get to become the leaders of just about everything from the begining?

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look at it all, from the early stages before religion the men have (with very few exceptions)ruled everything, from being a countries leader, to being top chefs,hairstylists,athletics,even to fashion design men have been on top, why is that




  1. Evidently you are old enough to remember the beginning of humanity.  Since written language and printing came along very late, we don't have a history or any proof of who was the leaders of prehistoric groups except for all the native American and Aboriginals tribes that are matriarchal.

    Fill us in on that era of time from your memory, if you will, please?

  2. New research into how the brain works and gender may give some insight into this very complex question. There appear to many more neurons running between the hemispheres for women than men. Women have been known again and again to test high in things where they have to multi task, manage things, have higher senses of hearing, smell and touch and basically female brains are the "bell curve" because it functions vastly more "general".

    Men on the other hand have less of this connective tissues making them more left OR right brained. Studies have shown that while men are on average more the ones who are savants, geniuses, inventers, leaders, amazing, architects of society, innovators,  wonderful etc they are

    ALSO statistically higher to be retarded, mentally ill, disabled. murderers, rapists, molesters, gang members the reason for all wars that mankind has ever had to suffer through..... from just about the beginning...

    Women are the average and mean are the more predisposed to be the statistics on either side of that.

  3. Men are more inclined to achieve high-dominance positions than women are.  This is universal to all societies.  and I think probably always will be.

  4. Because men have had the strength, the courage and the will power to confront danger and harshship, women have not.

  5. Men are much better at creative thought processes as well as mathematics and sciences. With very few exceptions, men have invented all the things, built all the things, and maintained all the things that make modern society possible. Oh yeah, a man invented the mall, the tampon, birth control pills, shoes, spas, hair spray, the computer, manned space travel, make up, eyeliner, lipstick, nuclear energy, the airplane, the bed duster, curtains, and I could go on for weeks.

  6. religion and war

    some semblance of equality use to exist when women were valued for giving birth....then men starting to fight over land and soldiers - and taking life- quickly replaced the value of giving life.

    look at our societies today- there are parks, memorials, special cemetaries/burials, statutes, textbooks, special priveleges, etc. etc. etc. to war/soldiers/taking life

    you are talking about domination in your question. i think people should be hard pressed to sing the joys of domination or dependence....these should not be human values or ideals..they should be replaced with equality and partnership...

    down with patriarchy!

  7. They had the weapons.

  8. Testosterone

  9. In order for a species to evolve to the next level one gender usually rises and evolves faster than the other, in humans it happened to the male.

  10. In the begging God created Adam and Eve. God made Adam the leader and Eve was his help mate... ;-)

  11. Because in our ancestral days most time was spent with men hunting and defending. A high degree of strength was required for this since they would spend days following huge animals and only had very rudimentary tools to kill with.

    Nowadays success comes from brains not brawn yet men still feel their strength should give them leadership over women.

    The world has changed a lot since then but sadly, many humans are too slow to adapt.

  12. Because they do it all for the women they love. So who is really in control?

  13. Probably because men are supposed to be the "stronger" s*x.  I bet childbirth could bring the toughest man to his knees !!  And besides, all of us women just let men think they are in charge so they don't whine about it.

  14. Men carried the clubs, that's why.

  15. well duh.

    they had nothing else to do... they aren't talented enough to have a baby....

    so what else could they do when the women were? Oh i know...control every flippin thing.

    im just kidding.....

    good question

  16. Men are the naturally dominant s*x. Plain and simple. The details of gender are social constructs but some levels of nature within us are irrepressible.

    A matriarchal society in a competitive landscape would be quickly dominated my other groups.

  17. Evolution, Survival, Master / Slave Moralities, and Acculturation:


    Up until about a billion years ago, all life was eukaryotic and then some species became sexed, having two halves.  Dimorphic sexuality allowed for species to combine in more complex ways genetically which made them better able to survive.  Our species sexually dimorphized as those early creatures a billion years ago from a fully reproductive female into two halves, a fully-reproductive female default half and a stripped down, lesser-equipped, more expendable male half unable to reproduce. In many species, the "drone" male simply dies or is eaten after depositing its genetic material into a fully-reproductive female.  That more complex mingling of genetic material led to increasingly more sensory receptors and nervous tissue which developed into animal brains.  Evolution apparently favors the survival of those species with the most sensory and central nervous tissue.


    Early primate animals rose into alpha states with the physically strongest male dominating all others and claiming all females as his alone.  Because the largest, strongest males only typically passed genetic material to females, those species gradually got bigger and stronger, especially the male dimorphic half. The non-alpha males were subservient to their alpha males and raided other nearby groupings at his bidding for plunder, for jollies and for raping the other grouping's females.  When a raid began, females fought just as viciously as males but their babies ran to them and clung to them, encumbering females, lessening their ability to fight effectively.  Males began to specialize as warriors.  Early humans learned that there is strength in numbers and began to fiercely protect their young, and their young's food source, their mothers' b*****s.  Non-alpha males formed fellowships and brotherhoods that led to an all-male military class of great power.

    Master / Slave Moralities:

    Early humans faced an entire world of UNKNOWNS.  The unknown was frightening.  Shamans, the early scientists, were the people in every clan who could best explain some of the unknowns as they began to explore the world around them with increasingly more nervous tissue and neurological complexity.  Knowledge was power and anyone who could make sense of the unknown was greatly respected.  Early alpha male rulers forced shamans into their animal husbandry of maintaining control over their people through perpetuation of ignorance and fear.  Religions rose from that alliance of alpha males and shamans.  Religion was then used to maintain the human livestock in proper docile, obedient, worshipful of "lords" slavery.  Rulers also supported the scientists, the objective explorers among them and used their rational illuminations for weaponry development.  The tension between subjective religious magical-thinking and objective rational illumination then developed.  The shamans did not want to relinguish their fear-based control to the power of Reason.  But, Reason rose to a zenith with Rome in "western" civilizations.  Then, about 2000 years ago, our species took a hit with lead in the pipes of Rome and a terrible ergot grain infestation that bred a religious madness and both Christianity and then Islam rose out of that madness, and Rome and the Library of Alexandria and the entire human compendium of illuminations against the morbid subjective magical fearful darkness of the unknown came to an end as Christians and Muslims burned it all and cast us back down into an era of medieval subjectivism in which women were scapegoated, slaughtered, subjugated, enslaved, etc.  The Catholic Church's Malleus Maleficarum alone is responsible for murdering up to 50 million "women of independent mind".


    Humanism began to rise.  Aesop, a slave, wrote earliest about the tyranny of the Master / Slave paradigm.  Early human rights charters such as the Cylinder of Cyrus arose, culminating in the French and American revolutions and constitutions.  Democracy and legal protections for human rights against Masters began to replace monarchies and tyranny.  By the late 1700's, women began to demand to be included in on the humanism party and pleaded for a rational education.  And philosophers were delicately beginning to stand up to subjectivism and tyranny and risked punishment or death from the Masters.  Scientists like Galileo and their rational illuminations were surpressed by the religious Master order.  Eventually, women fought successfully for the right to vote and the right to rational educations and have begun to rise this last century from that medieval quagmire of domination Master / Slave paradigm.  But, acculturations persist, passed down from generation to generation and from pulpits and subjective cultural "gender roles" that misogynistic religions brainwash people with persist.  Male humanists who would fight for the principles of freedom against the M/S paradigm were dishonorably blind to their own M/S behaviors within their relationships with women.  Some societies and families are not as socially mature as others and there remains a certain percentage of people, especially among the religiously brainwashed and socially backward Conservatives who lust for an impossible return to a pre-Industrial pre-democratic Master / Slave society and traditional "gender roles" despite the reality of post-Industrial society in which the majority of women have been forced into the workforce.  Their movement is sometimes called "Family Values" (like Bush and Cheney's torture acceptance and high record breaking number of people executed or slaughtered here and around the world supported by foundations like the Heritage and the Eagle Forum),  fascism (the total disregard for democratic pluralism and lust to impose an elite's sensibilities and behaviors including "gender roles" onto all others), or dominionism, the lust to use democratic government to legislate and force biblical or some other fundamental magical-thinking paradigms, as with Al Qaeda or Christian Evangelicals, onto all others.   They're basically the trash left over from alpha state levels of social consciousness.  Vicious bunch, like animals in their disregard for democracy and humanism.  They even have websites for how to disrupt a college class in which humanism is discussed.

  18. Well, someone had to.  Might as well be the most fit ones that take charge.  Of course, before modern medicine and even now, being pregnant can render you immobile for some time.  That does not condone good leadership ability.  It's nobody's fault, just fact.

    I imagine before medicines and society, the survival rate was much lower so we had to have much more children to keep the human race alive.  So it would make sense that women spent a lot more time with child.  This left the men to do the hunting.  They got stronger and faster - and the best probably received much praise.  So, they took lead as everyone wanted to follow.

  19. Coz men can pee upright... Lol

  20. it is my understanding that it has not been 'since the beginning."

    that some societies have been matri-lineal, some have been matriarchal.   Sometime - more than 2000 years ago, less than 8000 years ago, there were societies where women had more power. It isn't clear if they ran it government, but they were very powerful in some religions.  Women in these religions were either suspected or feared by the Jewish leaders, which lead to the Catholic church having dictates against women as leaders - priestesses.

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