
How did most folded mountains form?

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How did most folded mountains form?




  1. Convergence of continental plates.

  2. Most mountain ranges are the result continental-continental convergence zones where the earth's tectonic plates collide and are pushed upwards. The Himalayan mountains, for instance, are a result of the collision of India into Asia some 50 million years ago.

    Do a search of "convergence zone," "plate tectonics," and "Alfred Wegener." I teach middle school Language Arts, but our Science teacher is covering this material right now in class. Current events in China are showing the kids that this process is ongoing, not something that happened only eons ago.

  3. Movements of plate tectonics and earthquakes. For example, India is it's own plate, it moved into Asia and it caused the Himalayan mountains to form. Also, the earthquake that occurred in China not that long ago, is another cause of how mountains form. That area near the Himalayas have the worst earthquakes that occur.

    Also, it doesn't always have to be near a plate boundary for any kind of mountains or hills to form. The Rocky Mountains aren't near any plate boundaries. They most likely formed from an Earthquake, since they the happen anywhere at any time. Also, it can be effects of nearby earthquakes and slight plate tectonic movements too.

  4. Plate tectonics

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