
How did my ferret manage to get a tick?

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Three days ago I purchased a ferret from the pet shop, when I got her home I discovered she was infested with fleas, I have been taking care of that as best as I can but just a few hours ago I discovered that she had a tick behind her ear. I managed to get it with the tweezers but now I am afraid about the diseases she can contract from it, I cant even afford to get her to the vet until Thursday as buying her, her cage etc has left me broke and no vet in this town will look at an animal unless the cash is right there, Should I worry about the tick giving her a terrible disease even though I gave her a bath with tick shampoo shortly after discovering and ridding her of it? Also how could it be possible that she managed to get a tick since she has never even left my home since I got her?




  1. Well obviously, she had the tick when you bought her.

    And she had fleas?

    Sounds like a bad pet store...

  2. YIKES!  What kind of pet store sells ferret infested with fleas and ticks???  The fleas and ticks most likely got on the ferret from a dog that came into the store with them.  But that's no excuse - the store should have noticed them on the ferrets and treated them.  What sort of "tick shampoo" did you use on the ferret?  They don't make one for ferrets.  I hope you didn't use one meant for dogs which could be TOXIC to a small ferret.

    I'm a bit concerned that buying the ferret and the cage has left you "broke".  Ferrets can be VERY expensive animals - prone to lots of diseases - insulinoma, cardiomyopathy, lymphoma and adrenal disease.  Do you really have the financial means to care for this ferret once it ages a bit and ends up with one of those?  Or what if it ends up getting sick or injured sometime soon?  Emergencies can't wait till your next payday.

    In the meantime I'd be taking this ferret back to the store and insisting that they give you some Advantage for Kittens and Small Cats.  This will kill the fleas but not ticks.  If you see anymore ticks very CAREFULLY remove it with tweazers and make sure you have hold of the head.  How did you not notice the ferret was infested with fleas until AFTER you took it home?  Didn't you pick it up at the store and look at it, play with it BEFORE you bought it????

    Was this a Pet Supermarket in Florida by any chance?  Years ago I was at one buying supplies and picked up a ferret that ended up having a tick on it.  I ended up getting animal control involved as the manager just plucked it off and said it was "no big deal"!

  3. She has fur and has been either outside or around other warm blooded furry animals.My dog gets them all the time.The best the vet can do is apply an animal friendly pesticide in the fur.You can do almost as good at home.Check her over with a fine tooth brush or comb for any other parasites that have hitched a ride to your house.She will love you for it.Apply a flea or tick shampoo as needed,dog or cat should work with ferrets.

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