
How did my kitten die?

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a week ago i found four kittens abondoned i was waiting for a few hours for there mother to come back but she did not so the kittens was crying i rung R.S.P.C.A. and they said to leave them incase their mother comes back so i did for a day the next morning they was still crying so i took it upon myself to go outside and take care of them. i bought kittens seringe and kittens milk from my local pet shop i feed them four times a day and play with them as much as i can they were all very lively until today when my little stripey one called tears was very weak as i was feeding it i noticed bubbles coming out of her nose as i stopped feeding her to see what was happening her head flopped back and she stopped breathing. can you please try and tell me what i did wrong? and why did she die? she was beautiful and never to be forgotten i fell in love with her as soon as i set eyes on her and she was so special cause she was the only stripey one and the other three seem lost without her..




  1. she may have choked on her milk,either she was gulping it down to fast,or you wasn't holding her head forward enough,causing her to choke on the milk.  

  2. I'm so sorry for your little kitten.  My hubby and I had to hand raise a kitten once that was dropped by his mum right after he was born.  We fed him cat's milk that we bought, stroked him with a warm, wet cotton ball after meals (it's like the mama cat's tongue cleaning him) to make his bowels and bladder work, and watched him around the clock.  The vet said he wouldn't make it because he was too young.  He did, however, and we had him 14 wonderful years!

    You're very brave (and tender-hearted, too) to try to rescue baby kittens.  I don't think you did anything wrong.  If you wouldn't have tried, they all would die.  It's just that no one can be as good as their own mother.

    Keep up the good work -- remember to wet a cotton ball in warm water, then squeeze it out, then use it to stroke them after they eat, keep them protected from the cold, give them milk in small amounts and often (about every hour), and let us know how it turns out!

    Good luck!     : )

  3. could have been from an upper respiratory infection that developed into pneumonia, new kits are especially prone to URIs. also while syringe feeding you could have accidentally gotten some milk replacer in it's lungs. Gather the remaining kits and take them to a vet and have them checked, it could have even gotten Distemper. Kits that young need constant care and supervision, indoors. Have the vet instruct you on how to care for them and if you can not care for them properly please turn them over to a rescue group.

    I am sorry for your loss, thanks for trying to help them.

  4. You didn't do anything wrong. those kittens had a rough start in life and it is very difficult to raise them without their mom.  You did a very great thing in rescuing them.  She may have already had a upper respiratory infection  when you brought her home.  If you can afford it the other kittens should be checked by a vet.  If not your local SPCA may check them for you for free. The others will look for her but they will be okay in a day or two.

    You have a kind heart and your special.  Stay that way.

  5. what happened is your little kitten asperated this is when fluid gets into the lungs kittens are so very hard to bottle feed when they are little if this happens again take the kitten as soon as you see fluid coming out its nose and shake him up side down holding him tight and make sure you have his head tight also this will get the fluid out of the lungs

    good luck on your little kitties

    how old do you think they are????? they should be eating like crazy

    there are alot of good sites online to look up  

  6. Bless your heart for saving the little ones.  Kittens are not babies and should not be fed like one.  They lie on their stomachs usually to drink milk from their mothers.  (My cat had 3 kittens last year)  Instead of being barraged by people telling you what you may have done wrong, I would call the RSPCA back and ask their opinion, or some other professional.  Most importantly do this SOONER than later, if you have made a mistake with feeding you don't want to do it again.  If the kittens are too small they may also need help to go to the bathroom. A warm wash cloth on their belly after feeding can help.  Not fun but necessary. Before they learn to go on their own their mother actually licks their bellies in the beginning so they will go. On a side note you may also consider that the mother cat's owners did not know that she had kittens or don't know where they are.  You might want to consider posting a flyer about you finding them.  I would have probably done the same that you did and wanted to help, to feed them.  You might consider continuing this but maybe you should make a comfortable bed where you found them and only bring them in to feed.  Mom may still come back. Good luck to you :)

  7. That's just something that happens when kittens are very young. Don't blame yourself, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm sure you doing what's best for them.

    Make sure you are stimulating them to urinate and delicate. They also need to be kept warm with no drafts.

    Cheer up and try to focus on the other three. They really need you!

  8. Aw....your kitten probably choked on the milk, thats what it sounds like. I'm very sorry for your loss. If you want to be extra careful, I think it would be a great idea to take your kittens into the local vet for a check up, just to be safe. Make sure you explain to them what happened to the kitten that passed and ask for advice on how to feed kittens to prevent this.  

  9. there is a disese that no one knows the cause. it is called Fading Kitten Syndrome. it has happened 2 my foster kittens that were perfectly healthy one minute and the next day they were dead. hope this helps!!!
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