
How did my name get changed to akasha when my name is wanda? i would like it changed back to my name immediate

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How did my name get changed to akasha when my name is wanda? i would like it changed back to my name immediate




  1. what?

  2. do people call u asha or sumthin?

  3. I would keep your name. Your parents name you want they love. You should keep your special name.

  4. How are we supposed to know how it got changed.  You shouldn't be asking strangers who do not know the circumstances.  You should be asking your family.

  5. Shazam! You're Wanda again. Congratulations.

  6. Someone must have ur password, if you share a computer be sure o log completely outta it or change password.

  7. K, Hello Wanda :P

  8. start telling everyone to call you wanda then.

  9. You can legally change your name to anything you want, but you have to file a motion in civil court.  If you have legal aide in your area, or we have a helpdesk for individuals who want to file their own paperwork in our court system.  You pay the court cost and appear before the judge.  You then submit your legal paperwork to the social security administration and start changing your other personal documents.  Please keep prove of your own name in the event you may need it.

  10. What the h.ell are you talking about?


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