
How did my son get his speech delay problem?

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He was born 38 weeks, has jaundice, and asthmatic that he had to keep going back to the hospital bec. he was congested. When he was in preschool, his teachers said he had ADHD, but his present teacher/principal thinks he doesn't. He's 6 in 1st grade now. Sometimes I can't understand him myself. I've asked around what they think of his english, they say its not bubbly anymore, its more of, like he talks fast that its getting all mumbled. Like he's eating his words, slang. This is the only language he knows. What should I do? ...thanks...




  1. My daughter had a speech and language  problem. I had a horrible pregnancy but you really don't know what causes it. She could pronounce words but talked fast. In preschool and kindergarted she could write the whole alphabet perfectly. Upper case and lower case. Could not tell me a single letter. She is in 5 th grade and speech and language problem went away in 3rd grade. She was going to speech and language 3 times a week. I would work with her on things the teacher suggested. I wouldn't set her down.. I would incorporate things in everyday life. Kids learn best through play. It was alot of work. She started Speech and language at the age of 3.

    She does have a learning disability and is overcoming it. I did have her tested in school and then again with outside testing. The school temporay Speech person said she had ADHD. They are not qualified to give you opinions on this subject or say they need medicine. My daughter never took medicine. She did not have ADHD. She just learns differently than other people.

    I learned 6 months ago she has a silent peanut allergy. That could be the cause of her learning disabilities. It takes from 1 minute to 72 hours to do something to her. Stomach aches, headaches, vomitting etc. Now almost all of the many signs are gone. I would suggest doing allergy testing. They can just take a little bit of blood to find out what they are allergic to. He does not have to be stuck a million times at all.

    Also did he use a sippy cup or bottle? Some parents use these to much and the muscles are weak around the mouth. There for the sounds do not come out right. I did this with my under daughter. I thought the sippy cup was the best thing. Wrong. Sipping through a straw helped to strengthen her muscles with a little bit of therapy. You really won't know what to do until he sees a Speech pathologist. Schools have them.

    Also remember children are very cruel. The older he gets the more meaner kids are. Make him comfortable in who he is. True friends it won't matter too. But you do need to prepare yourself for this when it happens. Teachers are usually good. I have always taught my kids we are special in many ways. What is different about us makes us special. Wouldn't it be pretty boring if we were all the same.

  2. My daughter had speech delay disorder. We never actually pinpointed the cause. I had her evaluated at 3 years old and she began speech therapy. It continued during her early school years right at the school. It helped her enormously! She is now 15 years old and you would never know she ever had a speech problem. Occasionally, she will still say a few words incorrectly, but it happens very rarely. She always sounded as if she was talking with her mouth full. Along with the speech therapy, we corrected her at home. If she would pronounce a word incorrectly, we would correct her and make her say it correctly. I hope this somehow helps you out. Good luck!

  3. When you are tlaking to him speak slower, maybe he'll pick up on it...Or ask him to repeat something after you and see if he will use the same tone as you...Its all about him just learning how to really pronounce things...

    And if he really does have adhd it can be a complicated process, you just have to stick with it. It could also be he gets nervous around other people, and thats the reason he talks fast, but he's also doing it around you which leads me to think that if that is the case, he's just gotten used to it..

  4. ADHD....people just forget kids are kids anymore! Its just "give him a pill. That will fix him." Its ok to dope your kids up, but you cant spank them...... I think the drugs are worse.

    Anyhoo, your kiddo doesnt have a add or adhd. Hes only 6! Some kids are just more active.  As far as his slurring, I used to have a problem with that.  I would slurr, I still have to really focus to articulate myself properly.  Its because I have a really short tongue. But he is still little, I wouldnt worry about it.  Just keep reminding him to slow down and focus on forming his words.  Have him read to you to exercise his abilities.  I see a lot of speech problems in kids who were never spoken to normally and who were never read to.  Never use baby talk when speaking to him.  Kids at this age learn by mimicking.  Practice,Practice, Practice. Thats all I can say.

  5. No one can pinpoint the cause/s of speech delays or problems. It could be neurological, pregnancy related, environmental factors (ex. lack of stimuli), just to name a few.

       You can, however, get treatment for him through the school. Schools have speech therapists onsite who can evaluate him and if he qualifies, meet with him each week for speech therapy.

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