
How did mythbusters become so famous and how? Also thrz betta scientists in the world y arnts they famous???

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hi guys my question is one of many, and im really quite annoyed because so many celebraties are famous and fortuned, and half the time I (personally) dont know why? How have MYTHBUSTERS came so popular, is it because they knew somebody in the TV industry WHY? is it because they happend to be noticed by producers ?? i like mythbusters dont get me wrong but i do wonder how they became famous for "doing experiments which are related to myths" or mythbusting as they call it.




  1. They are famous because they are on TV. The show is good. People want to know if things are true or not. Just look at what people are asking here. Is this true, Is that for real? People want to know. Scientists gust want to find the answer, or cure for what they are looking for. I'm sure they all want fame, but just finding the answer is the most impotent thing to them.If you are interested in what they are working on, then they are famous to you.

  2. Because they mastered basic spelling and punctuation when they were twelve years old.

  3. They're not scientists, they're special FX guys. They got famous becaue their show is fun and interesting. Thats all. Nobody is saying their like Stephen Hawking or anything.

  4. A good scientist isn't very dramatic, usually. Science is a very careful, calibrated, detailed examination of things, and it most often works in increments. The showy, dramatic effects of most science is like the dessert after the meal: everyone remembers the dessert, cause its all about indulgence and reward, but not too many people are hung up on the main course, or all the tedious rote prepwork beforehand.

    Presentation has alot to do with success too. A ugly person and a beautiful person can say the exact same thing, but people would respond very differently to both. Special effects science, like rocket science or demolition science, is the party goer science, unlike the droll, number intensive mathematical/computer science, whose more like the designated driver of the party. Which one is more fun to be around, and watch on tv? Ever had a really boring science lecture? Imagine trying to sit through that for an hour during primetime. Prescriptions for Prozac would double.

  5. cos they blow stuff up

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