
How did our races evolve?

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Like i know that it depends where on the Earth you are, climate and all of that, but like that blacks. In Africa we were blacker than we are know. But shouldnt we evolve to become much lighter after a while, since were in a cooler climate? And how long do you think it would take?





  1. It takes millions of years to evolve, dude. Besides that, blacks who don't live in Africa are already biologically satisfied with the climate in which they live (they don't die because of it, so they don't evolve due to natural selection).

  2. Originally when God made humans, He provided us, like all other kinds of His creation, with an DNA code that has a pre-programed, built in ability for some variation. The acceptable variation was in the pigment instructions, this is done because of His foreknowledge. He wanted us to be able to live in a variety of climates comfortably. The acceptable variation that exists in the DNA is not random. If it was, we would experience many billions of times more harmful mutations that would lead to only death, rather than simple pigment change. The math on randomly changing an informational system and not destroying it shows this to be impossible.

    So we know the different races didn't evolve in the sense of random mutations, it's more genetic expression of available variation.  

  3. "In Africa we were blacker than we are [now]. "

    That is not necessarily true.  Don't forget ... Africa is a large continent.  The ******* persons of Africa have may shades of pigmentation depending upon where they live relative to the equator.

  4. When you think about evolution remember our DNA doesn't think, 'hey it's colder here so I can start making lighter skin genes', it happens that a mutation will occur and if the environment allows that mutation to survive then you will get a new mutant gene becoming a common part of   the genotype of a population.  It likely happened that in the group of evolutionary ancestors that left africa for europe (to become caucasians) had less pigments genes for dark skin and found that they could survive ok with those genes when they got there so the people with those genes survived and passed them on.  So people aren't just gonna turn 'white' or 'black'.  It is by chance these things start and they take millions of years to evolve.

  5. Evolution happens if there are evolutionary pressures, such as climate change or disease, and it MUST be killing the species.

    Another way happens when everything is fine, but here comes some member of a species who can reproduce better for some reason. Therefore, all the offspring start to look like him.

    With humans, were not really dieing due to one of these evolutionary pressures. If anything, were becoming less like the people in areas where starvation or disease is killing people. Or maybe, even less like the middle eastern races where people are killing each other excessively.

    We're becoming more like the people who are having the most babies.

  6. I wouldn't say evolve is the correct term.

    Maybe try, "arise?"

    Lets say 200,000 years ago our ancestors were from Africa.

    Various groups lived in the seaside and caves at first....then spreaded

    around the continent and some explored away from Africa...

    From what I remember...

    50,000 years ago they reached Australia and become the Australian Aborigines...

    By then you'd have ancestors in Europe, Asia....etc...then Humans decided to move out of asia to Northen America...

    Then Native Americans started living in America.

    (For more info about all this I suggest a better source than Yahoo answers!)

    Think about more than perhaps 200,000 years....

    Thats a h**l lot of generations.

    AND ofcourse the DNA passed on aren't 100% identical to the parents.

    This allows the human to possibly adapt to change.

    Anyways, even the Aborigines didn't change color that much after 50,000 years. I am pure guessing that the whiteness was caused by albinoism (thus the blue eyes/blonde hair stereotype) rather than the cold climate and/or it was due to the isolation and hotter climates of both places. (Australia was cut off from asia) and Africa was cut off from Europe at sometime.. )

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