
How did people manage before gravity was invented?

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I mean before Sir Isac Whatwashisname did his stuff.




  1. Before gravity was invented, we still stuck to the ground. The world sucked. Come to think of it, it still does. Should we repeal the law of gravity?

  2. They managed the same way as before fire was invented, or water was invented or ding-a-lings were invented.

  3. Man, this question just floats right over my head.

  4. wat r u on about gravity has always been here no1 invented it

  5. Try Sir Isaac Newton, and I'm pretty sure he wasn't the inventor try founder. Everyone still fell 9.81 meters per second squared they just didn't know it.

  6. Gravity was not invented but its existance was discovered.

  7. Gravity was Discovered by Sir Isaac Newton (apparently when an apple fell on his head), it was NOT Invented.

    If it was invented, did the Inventor float around in space while or before inventing it ???

  8. It's surely a joke question, here's the appropriate answer:

    Before gravity was invented God took care of people staying on earth. Especially in Australia as it is down under.

  9. One threw the ball and (another) caught it, before the math behind the motion was seperately understood.

  10. It must have been a nightmare.

    It was just as well he discovered it otherwise we would have trouble typing etc.

    Is it true he found it in an apple.?

    I didn't think they were invented till the late 1970s.

  11. he didn't invent gravity, he "described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion, laying the groundwork for classical mechanics, which dominated the scientific view of the physical universe for the next three centuries and is the basis for modern engineering"

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