
How did pre-columbian indians react to earth quakes, hurricanes, tornados and other natural disasters?

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How did pre-columbian indians react to earth quakes, hurricanes, tornados and other natural disasters?




  1. They weren't idiots. They seek shelter. Made preparations for future catastrophes. I am sure they made sacrifices to their gods as well.

  2. I would imagine their initial reaction would be much the same as yours - they would be terrified. After the event was over, they might try to appease whatever gods they thought had caused the problem.  

  3. Ran like h**l and blamed global cooling

  4. They probably had extensive rituals to appease the gods whom they believed were punishing them.  

  5. Immediate reaction was probably what we do.  Survive it as best we can.  Then they gave thanks to their god that it wasn't worse and buried their dead.  

    They actually knew better than to be caught on a sea coast during hurricance season and they kept an eye on the skies while on the plains.   Earthquakes were not so critical since their houses were not only portable, but flexible.  Unless they got caught in an earthslide, they usually survived those.  

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