
How did princess diana affect the world?

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  1. She brought the British Monarchy into the modern times by making the British Monarchy approachable to ordinary people by interacting with ordinary people on their level.

  2. She was the poster child for mental illness. She made being whiny, manipulative, spoiled, unpredictable and hysterical fashionable for a short while. Then, she was killed. She is still dead.

  3. She used her celebrity to bring a lot of issues to light on an international level.  She had many charities, many focused on children in developing countries, and she didn't just through money at them, she went to those places and visited with babies, dying from AIDS and malnutrition.  People act like she was just some crazy fashion plate, but she really seemed to care about people.  She helped bring to the front the issue of landmines in this country that had just gotten over a horrendously long war; they hadn't gotten rid of all of the mines, and people were still getting blown up by them.  She traveled the world and went to places some people hadn't even heard of to help those in need.  Not saying she was a saint, or even on the list of those to be considered for it, but she tried to use her status to bring about some good.

  4. i went into a old jewish mans stamp store years ago, and found that there were thousands of postage stamps, from all over the world, all the different countries.  she was just a figure head for everyone, that stood for beauty and purety,on these stamps.   she was an example for us.

  5. The late Diana, Princess of Wales was a unique royal; by engaging in her charity work on a deeply personal level she became a real people’s princess. People from around the world could identify with her. In particular they appreciated her heart centred approach to life. She was not just appreciated in her home country the UK, but around the world. She captured the heart of America and received much support and encouragement even from American newspapers.

    Her biggest achievement was by becoming the most famous woman in the world and raising awareness of several social issues including AIDS, poverty, drug problems and homelessness. Diana is also credited with promoting British fashion and the United Kingdom throughout the world.

    Diana shook up the British monarchy and speeded its modernization. She helped to tear down prejudices about AIDS. She raised awareness of eating disorders. She coalesced opposition to land mines. These are pretty hefty achievements for a woman of little education who mocked herself for being "thick as a plank."

  6. She made being needy, adulterous and fragile fashionable.

  7. by manipulating every body she met

  8. She made it more repugnant and stupid by her very existence.

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