
How did princess diana cross the gender barrier?

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how did she cross the gender barrier meaning gow did she do what guys&women can do and how did she help people




  1. I think you are attempting to make Diana something that she simply wasn't.  She was female, and played the part.  She spent millions on clothing; actually far more attention was given her clothes than any of the palace orchestrated "causes" that she had.

    All of Diana's causes were approved by the palace, and generally her visits were paid for by the government as well, as she was the representative.  To say Diana was some super hero is very naive.

    She did NOT do her job as Princess well.  She humiliated the Royal Family unnecessarily by making faces during public events, faining disinterest when she was a guest of honor at functions, she and her buddy Fergie acted liked children well past the age of it being excused as anything "youthful".

    MANY other Royals have lived up to a much higher standard and it would be better to give those hard working ones credit.  Let poor Diana fade into history with this false title of the "People's Princess", when more appropriate would have been, "The Dimmer Bulb in the Royal Chandelier".

  2. She's always been a lady in title and attitude. Though she was a tomboy growing up.

  3. I'm not quite sure what your question means; do you mean what did she do that men typically do?  I don't think she broke any barriers that way, but as far as helping people...royalty is not typically involved with those parts of society that are considered taboo, like g**s, homeless, things like that.  Diana didn't give a stuff-she went out and visited AIDS wards when it was not considered fashionable, she visited lepers-most people thought she would catch leprosy by doing that.  She went to areas right out on the streets where homeless people lived.  She gave these people identity, she showed them she cared.  She didn't just walk past them as if they didn't exist.  She went way out on a limb and did all this even though the powers that be thought that the people would best be served just by looking at her pretty face and clothes.  She also did it her own way.  That's the most important thing.  She didn't let anyone tell her where to and not to go, she just went out and genuinely cared for those less fortunate than her.  She drew tons of attention and raised even more than tons of money for charities that otherwise would have not gotten attention at all had it not been for her support.  She may have been a lot of things, but I truly believe she really wanted to make a difference...what a waste she would die so tragically and young.

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