
How did scientists come up with quantum entangelment?

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How did scientists come up with quantum entangelment?




  1. Hi Weird-

    In 1935, Erwin Schrodinger published an article entitled "Discussion of probability relations between separated systems" in the "Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society"  ref: Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 31, (1935), 555-563. In this article the word "entanglement", (the non-separability of quantum states of composite systems), was given its familiar meaning within the context of quantum mechanics.

    For more...

    For a very readable discussion of QE, see...

    I have to go check on my cat, now...I hope she's OK  :)


  2. Most simply, scientists realised quantum mechanics predicted that light particles (or photons) produced in certain ways appear to be intrinsically linked.

    If we measure one particle we instantly alter the other one. No matter how we isolate one particle it is impossible to alter one but not the other. Thus the two particles behave as if they are mixed together or "entangled".

    Experimentally people have shown that it the photons are separated then if you alter one the other is altered faster than the time it takes light to travel between them.

  3. They simply made up something that data will not mathematically conflict with. It may be right but chances are good that their theory's are not even close.

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