
How did she do this? What should I do???

by Guest59418  |  earlier

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I like this girl. I really really really like her. A few days ago we talked on line about stuff you know. But it got kinda deep. I like to keep my personal emotions inside because I don't want it to get into the way. I had some issues from way back...anyway we just got to talking & within like 20 minutes she just sat there {not even in the same room} and read me like a book. I feel intimidated but its weird because I also I trust her. But I never had anyone do that before. What should I do? What do you think? I really really really like her...we have so much in common...but how did she do that? How did she just pick up on it so easy? Anyone else I would have to explain everything, she just...put it all on the table. Is she some kind of mind reader???




  1. My experience is that when you have unresolved issues from your past, you have a certain number of behaviors and inclinations that most people with similar experiences have.  Certain symptom groups tend to go together.  When someone tells me about a few of their issues a lot of other things come to my awareness.  It is not magic, she is insightful, and has probably had experience with people that have had experiences similar to yours.

  2. What do you mean? what should you do?

    That's silly. Nothing.

    Females are born with natural intuition.

    And there's probably just some chemistry between the two of you.

    I wouldn't idolize her though, you;ll set yourself up for disappointment if you do. So, don't make such a big deal out of it. Just be glad to meet someone who can be naturally "in tune" to your wave length.

  3. Well, the simple answer is that people who have "issues from way back" tend to fall into specific patterns and reactions. A person who is in tune with that may seem like she's reading your mind.

  4. I think if you completely trust her, then it's nice that you have someone who understands you.

    It looks like she can read people good. Or perhaps, she's been in similar situations that you've been in.

  5. she may be struggling with the same kind of issues as well.  Do you know much about her?

  6. Some people can just see through others.

    It's a sort of psychic abillity, that usualy comes with some of the others.

    If you feel safe and trust her then go for it. Make sure you learn how to do it too though then you can be in equal place.

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