
How did social norms come about?

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How did social norms come about?




  1. they did not come around.  they are enforced and strived towards.  the very idea of a social norm is obserd!  like,"you're unique, just like everybody else."  its just termanology used to keep you on kelter.

  2. Social norms - an universal behaviour.

    Societies are keeping  truth as the truth every where in the world . It is a social norm all over the world.Humanity knows all the good and evil norms every where and being with the

    nature of accepting the norms.(keeping them is some thing different ) From the first man( There must be a fist man-how ever the theories may explain it) the norms were passed through heritage-a phenomenon. How the norms are same

    all over the world ?as the people were scattered,with out any

    communication means?- It is originated from the God.HE sent Prophets to all the communities accordance with the age and need.Though not accepting the prophets,the norm passed through heritages.

  3. Social norm come through repeated usage. Usage create a pattern like habits are formed by repeated behaviour of the individuals.

  4. evolution...survival of the fittest, aka, Darwins Theory.

    Social Norms allow you to blend into your surroundings not drawing attraction to yourself. In doing so, you are not subjecting yourself to ridicule and social outcast. Our ancestos (the cavemen) evolved into this behavior to avoid being murdered by those who did not understand them. This survival trait has carried on thru thousands of years and what you see today in social norms is basically the produce ot "not trying to get murdered".

    Social Norms is a means of control as well.

  5. social norms are socially constructed, it was constructed by society to keep people in place and to make sure everyone is doing what is good for society. it is part of human nature and it came about ever since the world was created

  6. Full explanation :

  7. Some people doing certain things, and others following/copying those few people, then each generation teaching its children to do the same thing(s) as the previous generation.

  8. I don't think they ever came along. It's like saying you are crazy or you are relatively normal. Agianst what or who are we exactly being compared to? Is it institutionalized or personal norms?

    What are social norms to you? That is what you have to think about. Not saying that you should discriminate against other people's norms but I believe it the individual that set up the norms. Who cares what society thinks. They were imposed on society by different institutions.

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