
How did stephinies myers book get leaked?

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how did midnight sun get leaked, what kind of person would so such a thing... i really hope that she finishes the book..




  1. Well, there have been rumors going on that Robert Pattinson, who plays Edward in the upcoming Twilight movie, leaked Midnight Sun. But his purpose is uncertain. I actually doubt that rumor. Media reports that RPattz hates the character Edward, so Meyer gave him a draft of Midnight Sun so that possibly he'll understand Edward better and get to like him. The only people Meyer has given the drafts to are her family members, director Catherine Hardwicke and Robert.


    Samantha Potter!<3 - I know. As I have said, I doubt that rumor. You know how people talk. :)

  2. I read that someone leaked the manuscript out on the internet, it would have to be someone close to her to be able to get ahold of it. She feels too sad to continue working on the manuscript at this time, and it is on hold indefinitely. This violates her rights as an author and as a human being, because she owns the copyright. How sad......

  3. she gives her copies of her work to people she trusts. meaning, somebody that she trusted leaked it on the internet. thats why she is so depressed.

    and she knows who did it because she knows what changes she made and when.

    and robert pattinson did NOT do it! that is a complete rumor! and he loves playing edward, not hates! holy croww.

  4. There's a lot of things that get leaked somehow.

    I don't understand why people would do a lot of things, but they do.

  5. It was an inside job. She wanted to put it on hold anyway so her publishers decided a leak would be best to help fans get over Breaking Dawn.  

  6. ah the mormon saga.

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