
How did that g-24 aquire the status he has.. does he answer his own questions on another Name.?

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How did that g-24 aquire the status he has.. does he answer his own questions on another Name.?




  1. naaah he is OK.  

    I haven't seen where he's bashed anyone or any driver yet.

  2. He answers questions and gets best answers, plain and simple.

  3. i dont think so

    i think that guy yes is 2 or 3 people

    huck j m alanfries

    i could name a bunch

  4. He's the king of the NASCAR section, using one account.

  5. no he earned it, like all of the people in the top 10. he knows his stuff, as do tregosteevo, jaynarie, gloria_512, dalejr4ever, superdave, ed p, papabill, drivinfast31, and #18s #1 Fan (Rowdy's World).

    hey wait, that's me - i hit the top 10. wahooo!!!

  6. He's just smart dude

    and maybe someday i'll be just like him  (sigh)

  7. Are you talking about David G?

    I seriously doubt he has a second account. He's been on here a long time, he's very knowledgeable about nascar, basically, he knows his stuff, so he's gotten alot of best answers.

  8. He is a troll

  9. No way !! David knows his nascar racing. Pretty cool guy to.

  10. I think he has been participating in this section since the NASCAR section started is the reason why he has so many best answers.

    If I remember correctly he may be involved with getting the NASCAR  section started (with a few other people).

  11. David G? Nah, he is quite Knowledgeable and straight forward and polite. Thats why he has the status. When other people are being kinda rude, he is the one that is polite, and people pick him for that reason.

  12. I have been here over a year and seems he is very smart and knows his drivers and is quit witted too!!!

    WTG  G-24.(aka David G).keep up the good work!

  13. No when you don't bash other drivers or talk trash about other people on here you don't need multiple accounts . I respect everyone on here and their drivers . Plus I have made a lot of great friends on here that love Nascar like I do !

  14. david g has only EVER had 1 account and ID.  There are several people that try to manipulate the system and create multiple accounts to try and achieve just that.  Those people come and go but david, PAPABILL, myself and many others have only ever had the one account we started with.  He does get his answers picked by the asker and voted as best answer a lot because he is knowledgable, respectful and funny but he in no way does anything underhanded to maintain his status as the #1 answerer in the NASCAR forum here.  I hope this helps clear things up for you, have a nice day.

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

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