
How did the Disney Channel Stars get their start?

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I want to be a singer/actress more than anything in the world.

and though I can't stand her image, I want to be the next Hannah Montana.

How do I get started?

*I auditioned for one acting/modeling agency once, and made it to the "call-backs" but they were a rip-off*




  1. I suggest that you check this blog

    Thats mostly how people appear on TV shows

    You could also try starting a youtube account to become famous

    and hopefully you will spotted by Disney channel and they could contact

    you, but you will need to be good at what you are doing.

    You could also try sending an auditioning tape to Hollywood records which is owned by Disney Channel and they could get you a record deal

    But, remember you will need luck on your side, and if you do become famous mention my name.

    Good Luck!

  2. You will get more answers in Arts&Hummanties

    and then Theatre&Acting

    But go here

    Good luck

    (By the way, you know what the chances are of being famous or being the next Hannah Montana?? It's like 1/1000000 so be sure you want this because you love acting not for the fame.)

  3. I've wanted the same thing. What I did was I went to the FAQ on Disney Channel and there was a question that said, "Where can I audition for Disney Channel?" or something like that. Go to the Disney Channel FAQ and see what you can find out. HIH (hope I helped)!!!!

  4. I'm no expert.

    but I think the best thing for you to do is to auditin for everything possible.

    maybe if you audition enough you might meet the right people?

  5. First of all, you need to make sure your parents are behind you all the way. Get training. You make think your good but professional training could make you even better. Look into getting an agent, that's what I'm looking into. Also you need to make sure these things are legit. Most thisng you shouldn't have to pay for, especially not auditions. I hope this helped.

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