
How did the English monarchs (king & queen of England) ever get drafted over to the anglican church?

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how did it happen? and how did the quuen get the title,supreme defender of the church? i thought that was God's job? please explain,as you can see,i am not from england. american




  1. Contributor Rachelle, as always has lots of cut and paste in her answer but any historian will tell you that Henry VIII saw himself as a Catholic, just not a ROMAN Catholic, in order to divorce and annul his marriages as he saw fit.

    The religion see sawed back and forth under Edward V1, hard right Protestant, and Q Mary 1 - Bloody Mary the Roman Catholic, but Elizabeth, who was personally tolerant and intelligent, accepted the Defender of the Faith role to unify the English as a separate church from Rome. her advisors were largely right wing Protestants also, what became known as Puritans in the following century and took over religious policy to the extent that Charles 1 was deposed and beheaded for what was seen as Catholic tendencies as well as autocratic politics.

    His tolerant and intelligent son Charles !!, personally leaning towards Catholicism, accepted the Defender of the Faith once more as part of the monarchy package, and it has been there ever since.

    Prince Charles, who will be Charles 111 if he succeeds, wants to be known as Defender of FAITH - ie defending the right of all subjects to worship as they please, Something to admire I think.

  2. How did the English monarchs (king & queen of England) ever get drafted over to the anglican church?

    how did it happen?

    By force of a King, wit of a future Queen, and great potical moves by several advisors to the King

    and how did the quuen get the title,supreme defender of the church?

    Since its an English thing..... whoever is in power where's many crowns

    I thought that was God's job?

    Great Defender of the Faith... naw.. HE IS THE FAITH... we the people worship and defend it

    please explain,as you can see,i am not from england. american...

    I'm American too... learned in it High School.. so I was told.. but since I have retained little.. I learned it later in College.


  3. The Church of England or the Anglican Church was started by King Henry the VIII when the pope wouldn't grant him an annulment. So he created his own church with him (king) as the head of it.

    I learned that in 9th grade social studies.

  4. The title of the 'Defender of Faith' originally belonged to King Henry VIII. The Pope granted Henry the title after the latter wrote a pamphlet against the teachings of Martin Luter (who would go on and establish the Lutheran Church).

    After England broke from Rome and established the Church of England (under the same King Henry VIII), the King retained the title of the 'Defender of Faith', only now it meant the 'Defender of the Anglican Faith'.

  5. Henry VIII of England (28 June 1491 – 28 January 1547) wielded significant power within the history of the English monarchy. He brought about the English Reformation, which included the creation of the Church of England, the Dissolution of the Monasteries, and establishing the English monarch as the Supreme Head of the Church of England.

    The English Church was under papal authority for nearly a thousand years, before separating from Rome in 1534 during the reign of King Henry VIII. A theological separation had been foreshadowed by various movements within the English Church such as the Lollards, but the English Reformation gained political support when Henry VIII wanted an annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon so he could marry Anne Boleyn.

    Under pressure from Catherine's nephew, the Emperor Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, Pope Clement VII refused the annulment, and, eventually, Henry, although theologically a doctrinal Catholic, took the position of Supreme Head of the Church of England to ensure the annulment of his marriage.

    Henry maintained a strong preference for the traditional Catholic practices and, during his reign, Protestant reformers were unable to make many changes to the practices of the Church of England. Indeed, this part of Henry's reign saw the trial for heresy of Protestants as well as Roman Catholics.

    Under his son, Edward VI, however, the Church became theologically more radical, before legislatively rejoining the Roman church during the reign of Queen Mary I, in 1555. The settlement under Elizabeth I (from 1558) of a mildly reformed, Catholic, apostolic, and established church (i.e., subject to and part of the state) led to great civil strife in the following century.

  6. This is down to Henry VIII in the 16th century who wanted to divorce his wife and the pope wouldn't let him.

    So he founded the Anglican Church to make his own rules.

    It's ironic that the title Defender of the Faith was given to him by the pope before he invented his own religion.

    He destroyed all the monasteries and convents and took over their lands

  7. they didn't "get drafted over" to the church.  They created it!

    They are the "supreme defenders" because THEY CREATED IT.  

    Did you study ANY history in School?  or did you just nap through that lesson?

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