
How did the Holocaust mark a turning point in the human condition?

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Just want to know your opinions......




  1. It didn't. Currently it is the focal point of attention in human disbehavior. But objectively nothing much different from what happened before, at the same time and afterwards.

    Julius Caesar exterminated many Gallic tribes during his Gallic campaign. Ghenghis Khan wasn't exactly a sweet lovabable guy.

    KZ camps weren't even a German invention, nor a British. The first camps appeared after christianity took over the Roman empire.

    During Hilter's life Stalin "bettered" him all the way. Starvation in the Ukraine and in gulags. A little bit later a chappie named Mao Tse Tung set the world record. Pol Pot did even better, but only in percentages.

    In Africa Hutus and Tutsi's proved you don't need advanced management skills, secret police, torture camps or even sophisticated weapons. Cheap machettes will do nicely.

    Just face it: we human being have an appalling record in human conditions. All over the globe, no exceptions.

  2. Thta´s easy: Never before or after the Holocaust industrial means were used to kill millions of human beings and dispose of their bodies while recycling "valuable body parts" like teeth gold, hair etc.

  3. It's difficult to know where to draw the line between what was the result of the Holocaust and what was the result of n**i crimes in general...but I think it can fairly be said that the Holocaust as an event was responsible for adding the concept of 'Crimes Against Humanity' to the Laws of War.

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