
How did the Renaissance stimulate the reformation?

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How did the Renaissance stimulate the reformation?




  1. The renaissance lead to a greater desire for education , publication of new ideas, questions about religion and politics and a change in perspective. People started to question the Catholic Church.

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  2. - further weakened the authority of the church (Catholic) It was already in a weakened state from the Babylonian Captivity

    - reaction to the revival of classic Greek values, at odds with some Christian traditions (nudity, centered on man, etc.)

    - divided the southern/Italian tradition with the northern/German tradition

    hope this gives you a start

  3. The humanist movement of the Renaissance got people to question the Church. The medieval mind was one resistant to change but the Renaissance was a time of questioning and learning. Things people had long accepted began to be questioned...the sale of indulgances, the infallibility of the Pope, and even the Virgin birth.  Add to this change in attitude an increase in number of educational opportunities/universities where people could teach their beliefs/ideas to others, and increase in literacy, and the rise of not only printed books but books printed in local languages. You then have for the first time the ability to spread your teachings/beliefs/disagreements with the establishment well beyond your local little group. The dissagreements with the Church spread as a result, the Church further challenged by others inspired by the likes of Erasmus, Martin Luther and John Calvin, and ultimately brought about the Reformation.

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