
How did the US plunder the natural resources of the Middle East?

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In Iraq or Iran for instance.




  1. The U.S. did this through a false-flag operation to get the support of its people.

  2. Well, we didn't.  If we were, then we wouldn't have to be pouring so much of our money into fighting the war.  

  3. In your fantasy world only. There has been no plunder of the Middle East by any nation.

  4. No.

    Don't think so.

    Look in the real world.

    In Iraq?

    Luke 24.44-45, 47-49

    In Iran?

    Who is the king?

    Who is the I?

    Who messed up the "King and I"

    With crown of thorns and two empty hands with two balls?

    Who short-changed, conned and deceived little children with self lack of knowledge in broad daylights in own backyards?

    John 8.44

    Matt 23.27

    Matt 7.15-27

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  5. They didn't steal them they paid for them with cash , a little different from your biased view

  6. Actually the oil belongs to the U.S., we let tyrants steal our oil.  Big mistake.  That's why we find ourselves having to deal with tyrannical savages today.

  7. If by plunder you mean making billionaires out of backwards sand farmers than I guess so

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