
How did the africans get all the way to jamaica?

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and why do they speak english?




  1. Most of them came by sailing ship.

  2. Slave trade. During its first 200 years of English/British rule, Jamaica became one of the world's leading sugar-exporting nations. By the beginning of the 19th century, Jamaica's heavy reliance on slavery resulted in blacks (Africans) outnumbering whites (Europeans) by a ratio of almost 20 to 1. Even though England had outlawed the importation of slaves, slaves were still smuggled into the colonies.

    The official language of Jamaica is English. Informally Jamaican Patois (pronounced patwah) is more commonly spoken by a majority of the population. Although British English or "The Queen's English" is the most obvious influence on patois, it includes words and syntax from various African languages (including Akan Ewe and Yoruba); other European languages (Spanish, Portuguese and French); Pre-Columbian Caribbean languages (Arawak); and Asian languages (Hindi and Hakka) which is evidence of the long standing mixing of the people.

  3. slave trade n the triangle of slavery

  4. I know this much about Jamaica and how it was involed in the Slave-Trade. During the Slave-trade, of course many of the African slaves were dropped off at certain destinations. Some were heading to North America, some South America, and some to the West Indies or the Caribbean. Though you do say, how come they became on their own in Jamaica without any White evidence shown? The British did stay in Jamaica for quite a few hundred years, but in the begining, there weren't many of them to start with. They literally died off. Unlike the United States, where the Whites were many and outnumbered the Slaves by too much, in Jamaica, the slaves outnumbered the Slave-Traders and those who decided to stay there. Other than that, if you take a look at many Jamaicans, they obviously are of mixed decent, their ancestors who were before, but are not anymore. And this is why Jamaica is the way it is today, with its official language being English.

  5. Actually when the English and French first needed slaves for the sugar plantations in Jamaica and for clearing land in the southern areas of USA, they used folk from the highlands of Scotland, from prisons and the poor houses in the UK (which were overflowing) many were criminals, but many whose crime was being poor.  So they shipped them over to USA and Jamaica.  The majority of these white slaves died as they had no immunity to the diseases the picked up and from the heat.   So the landowners decided to get slaves from africa via the arab slave traders.   After that they shipped the whites they wanted rid of to Australia. or Canada.  The African slaves proved a far better "commodity" for their purpose.

  6. Up until the early 1690s Jamaica's population was relatively equally mixed between white and black.The first Africans to arrive came in 1513 from the Iberian Peninsula after having been taken from West Africa by the Spanish and the Portuguese. They were servants, cowboys, herders of cattle, pigs and horses, as well as hunters. When the English captured Jamaica in 1655, many of them fought with the Spanish who gave them their freedom and then fled to the mountains resisting the British for many years to maintain their freedom, becoming known as Maroons

  7. There were natives on it at one point. Then Christopher Columbus discovered it and claimed it for spain. Then the British seized the island in the 1600's and started exporting sugar using slave labor. After the abolition of the slave trade all these imported africans just kind of made it their home, but really what could you expect, they had been there for 200 years.

  8. Its called slave trading. First of all the English get on ships and sail to Africa. The Africans  put them onto ships and sail them across to Jamaica (The English only chose strong men) . The people in Jamaica buy the Africans. So the English where Rich. Whilst the English where at Jamaica, The English bought Pearls, Jewelry, Sugar (etc) With the money they got from Selling the Africans (as slaves). Then, The English went back to England and sold all the Sugar and Jewelry, and since Sugar and Jewelry was really expensive in England. So The English where even MORE rich then they where in Jamaica ( It's called the triangle of slavery),  And so they did it again and again and that's how the africans got to Jamaica.

    If you need more info go onto

  9. Jamaica, along with a quarter of the countries on Earth, was part of the British Empire. In the early days of the Empire, slavery was still legal, and large numbers of slaves were bought by the British from West African and Arab traders and transported in terrible conditions in the holds of ships to work on plantations in the Carribean, including Jamaica. Many thousands of them died on the journey.

    Don't believe those who try to tell you that the nasty British went to Africa and captured the peacefull locals for slaves. Slavery existed in Africa long before the transatlantic slave trade, and still exists today - long after it ended.

  10. by ship during the course of the slave trade.

    they speak English for the same reason the USA, Canada, Australia, India, and many other nations do--colonialism. In this case, the colonial power was Britain (England).

  11. have you not heard of the slave trade try reading history books

  12. go research your own homework

  13. Some people are not the brightest are they?

    Well the evil west wanted slaves, so they thought they'd use black people from Africa as their slaves. Anyway once upon a time the black people were let free, and this is how the west gets so much violence.

  14. No body is that dumb. Did you think the question was funny?

    Africans were transported from Africa to the West Indies (Jamaica included) as slaves to work in the sugar plantations, because whites couldn't do physical labour in that climate. Their masters, (owners) spoke English, so they had to speak English.

    The British lived in the West Indies until the 1960s.

  15. Slaves were traded

  16. African people are just as clever as anyone else I guess they used their brains.

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