
How did the assassination of Lincoln change and shape America?

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I'm really interested in the life of Lincoln. I was just wondering other people's opinions on the effects of his death and subsequent legacy




  1. The main reason his death shaped America was that it made Johnson the president.  When was impeached, although not conivicted, it really gave congress a greater sense of power.  Lincoln was the probably the most powerful president ever, but all that power went away with Johnson.

  2. Lincoln had intended to round up all the black people... create a separate country for them in Africa and send them all there.  That is one reason that he and his Emancipation Proclamation were NOT POPULAR with the black people in America... THEY DIDN'T TEACH YOU THIS IN SCHOOL.. DID THEY?

    Anyway, it's the truth and if you do some digging in the newspapers of that era you will find out all about it.

    By Lincoln being assassinated... the great black round up and deportation did not happen and that led to what things are today in America

  3. Lincoln planned on rounding up all *****'s, carving up a small nation in Africa, and shipping them all there.

  4. I suspect that Lincoln's assassination probaly made Northerners more vindictive toward the South than they might otherwise have been. Reconstruction probably was made more onerous than it needed to be.

    incoln's political skills probably would have allowed the nation to bind up its wounds with less animosity

  5. First up - - - - the great N^gro round up not on the agenda!!  Yes there was a time when Lincoln held what many feel are racist views BUT Lincoln was capable of evolving in his thinking and did so, developing a greater understanding and compassion for N^groes.   Had Lincoln lived it is entirely possible that he would have held invited Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth and other 'black' leaders to the White House and would have led America towards a goal of assimilating N^groes into American life.

    Andrew Johnson was not capable of evolving; he was racist and led America on the path to segregation, his policies were inconsistent and ultimately destructive.

    Abraham Lincoln would have balanced the needs of newly freed slaves with the status of the former rebels.  It would have caused great controversy but Lincoln would have been clever enough to devise a means of giving confiscated land to newly freed slaves so that they could better face the future rather than allowing former rebels to keep their land and reduce newly freed slaves to the status of share-croppers, on par with their former status as slaves.

    America would have emerged with greater honor from the not so Civil War had Lincoln lived.


  6. his death made him into more of a legend. while he was living, he was just a president, but because he was shot, he turned into a her for our country.

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