
How did the beatles seperate?

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How did the beatles seperate and what ever happened to them.....did they die or something??




  1. Ah... the Beatles. A great band, possibly the best ever pop/rock group and one of the driving forces (along with the Stones and perhaps the Beach Boys) in pop music during the 1960s. Their fabulous run came to an end in 1970.

    The Beatles melted down more than they broke up. There were many factors involved. John Lennon's wife, Yoko Ono, seemed intent upon driving a wedge between her husband and other members of the band, notably Paul McCartney. Each member was emerging as a solo artist; even Ringo Starr had a couple of hits. George Harrison felt overshadowed somewhat by the two front men in the group, John and Paul, and I think the music business was changing in ways that may have left the group behind if it had stayed together.

    John Lennon was murdered by Mark David Chapman in NYC on December 8 1980, and George Harrison died of lung cancer November, 2001. Paul and Ringo carry on individually and at times, together. Paul fronted another band with his first wife, Linda McCartney in the 70s and 80s called Wings. His second marriage, after the Linda's death, did not work out. You may have seen news stories about the settlement.

    If you want more information, just google Beatles.

  2. Hehe, well I'm 13 and barely know anything about the beatles...

    But I do know that Jon married Yoko Ono, and I think my mom said that some people say she's the reason the band broke up, because Jon wanted to settle down with her.

    (please forgive me if I got the names wrong! I don't want to disrespect the Beatles and their fans :)  )

  3. well john got married to yoko and after that john wanted to go his separate way with yoko.

    john got shot, and george died of cancer

  4. A lot of close answers here.  To start at the end, they split up in 1970, at the height of popularity, amidst personal and financial differences.

    The death of Brian Epstein was the first nail in the coffin.  They didn't want to tour anymore, because it was a pain in the bum, and they got tired of having to behave like puppets for foreign royalty (ala Imelda Marcos in the Philippines, 1966) and fearing for their lives due to some offensive off the cuff remarks made by John to a reporter friend, which were picked up by the major news.  With touring over, Brian had nothing to do, felt useless, and offed himself.

    No one had the spirit to pick themselves up after Sgt. Pepper and get on to something else, except for Paul.  Hence Paul came across as domineering and pushy.  Paul, meanwhile was buying up shares of their music publishing company behind the others' backs.  John felt betrayed, and said it was the first time any of them had pulled something like that.

    Meanwhile, the Beatles discovered that Brian Epstein wasn't a very good businessman.  He often negotiated payments for the Beatles which were but a fraction of what they could have demanded.  To try to get a reign on their finances, one thing they did was form Apple Corps., a business designed to help artistic people help themselves.  And help themselves they just about anything that wasn't nailed down in the Apple building.

    The Beatles had an understanding that when they were working on music, no outsiders were to be part of it.  Enter Yoko Ono.  Suddenly, she's constantly by John's side.  She originally had her eye on Paul, but figured if you want someone, the most effective way to get them was through their best friend, so she went for John, claiming she'd never heard of the Beatles, the illusion of which John found very attractive because he was annoyed when people would fawn over him and treat him like an object.  John even had a bed moved into the recording studio for Yoko.  She constantly injected her opinions, as if they were as valid as the others, and though musically inept, John viewed her opinions as perhaps equal to Paul's, but more important than George or Ringo's.

    Lennon had been impressed with how Allen Klein had renegotiated the Stones' contracts and got them much more money.  He wanted to bring in Klein to handle the Beatles financial affairs.  George and Ringo thought it might be a good idea.  Paul didn't trust Klein, and wanted his father-in-law Lee Eastman to handle things.  The Beatles eventually sued each other over this.

    John and Yoko started doing heavy drugs, like heroin.  The drugs sapped his creativity, and coming up with new songs was few and far between.  George, on the other hand, was coming up with many new brilliant songs, only to have them derided or ignored by Paul and John.

    Ringo just wanted to play music and have a good time.  Once the drum parts were recorded, he spent most of his time in the studio bored, playing cards with roadie Mal Evans.

    Yoko also started doing things like requesting a microphone be set up for her to shriek along with the Beatles while they played.  John saw nothing wrong with this.  She would help herself to sitting on the other's amplifiers, and to George's digestive biscuits.

    Meanwhile, Paul had put together a solo album using a four track recorder at his farm in Scotland.  The release date was scheduled to be the same time frame as the planned release date as "Let It Be."  Getting along best with Paul at the time, Ringo was sent to ask Paul to delay his solo album's release.  Paul got very angry and threatened to finish him off.  Paul announces to the press that he's leaving the Beatles.

    The breakup left a legal dissolution mess, and tied up finances for about 20 years.

    Lennon had a good solo career for about four years, went creatively dry, and disappeared to "find his muse".   It took about five years, and then he reappeared with "Double Fantasy," on which - for Yoko's songs, they had her record the vocal part 32 times, so they could splice together all of the on-key bits from all of the off-key bits.  Yoko was convinced this record would show the public that between she and John, she was the REAL talent.

    Meanwhile, Mark David Chapman shot (four times in the back) and killed Lennon, December 8, 1980.

    Paul McCartney continues to record to this day, after a great success with his group Wings.

    George Harrison died of cancer December 1, 2001.  He'd stopped recording for a long time, but had a last album, "Brainwashed", come out about a year after his death.  His son played on the album as well.

    Ringo's been touring with his "all-star band", while his last solo release, "Time Takes Time", was in 1993.  In January 2008, Starr appeared on "Friday Night with Jonathan Ross" where he appeared to make disparaging comments about his hometown of Liverpool. Following the incident, a sign in the playground of his old school was daubed in spray paint with the word "traitor".

  5. it was a combination of many things but there is one thing i can tell you yoko one was not the reason they broke up. You cant do one thing your whole life. look at this video.

  6. It started as early as the band started making albums. George always felt overshadowed, and actually was the first one who had real intentions of leaving. Once they stopped touring at the end of 1966 they spent all their time together in the studio which meant more and more egoism, especially from Paul. Then Brian Epstein died in 1967 and they lost the person who really kept them in order. This was pretty much a turning point in the existence of the band. Paul then started trying to take over the band as his own. All the while, each member was branching out individually with their music. They couldn't put all their own songs on each album. By 1969 Paul felt he was the one who should control the band. It's really evident in the movie Let it Be. And by the end of that year and by the time Abbey Road was put out they had already decided that it was going to be their last album. People just use Yoko as an excuse to not actually blame the Beatles for their own breakup. All she did was sit in on their recordings and not say a word. George was really the only one who never warmed up to her. Ringo was probably the only one who would have stayed in the band forever. Overall I'd say the Beatles breakup was due to the fact that they couldn't manage their own band and that they were too good at what they did individually to share so much of the spotlight with three other guys. Egos. I love the Beatles but John and Paul were two arrogant people.

    John was assassinated in 1980 and George died of lung cancer in 2001. Paul and Ringo are still kicking.

  7. Many reasons that I can't all fit into here, so here is a helpful site

    It may be more than you wanted to know haha sorry, but there are many reasons.

    Simply put, it started with their manager Brian Epstein's death and went downhill for a couple years from there.  Plus they were very successful musicians, and they all wanted to branch out and try new things.

  8. Well one got shot and didn't another die of drugs?

  9. The Beatles' breakup can be described as a series of events.

    The overwhelming impact of Beatlemania took its toll on the band members. After the cessation of touring in 1966, the personal changes that each Beatle experienced were not parallel in a collective sense. The death of their founding manager Brian Epstein in 1967 led to financial and legal conflicts of interest.

    Internal dissension arose from the emergence of individual artistic interests and ventures, supplanting group unity and vision. Both Harrison and Starr 'left' the group at various points during 1968-1969 and all four band members had begun working on solo projects by 1970 as the appeal of working together as a group began to wane. Ultimately, animosity made it impossible for both group and individual pursuits to mutually coexist and Paul McCartney made the breakup public knowledge as part of the press release for his first solo album, 'McCartney'.


  10. Wow! That's a question that has many answers on many different levels. What really happened was they were growing up and becoming their own artists. They no longer felt they needed eachother to write and record music. There was a lot of ego in that band, so when George submitted a song he felt was worthy and it got passed up why would he bother staying in the band? Know what I mean? Also they were pursuing their own private lives. John married Yoko, Paul met and married Linda Eastman, even earlier in their careers George showed his independence by studying Indian music and the sitar. There was also the business factor. When their manager Brian Epstien died of an overdose it was realized he made some nieve business deals early in their career that screwed them out of money. They were left with teams of lawyers trying to figure out these deals and what could be done (if anything) to get the rights and money they deserved. Apple (thier own label) was formed partly as a result from that. The Beatles were not savvey business men at that time and the troubles with Apple only led to more tensions between them. So in the end, it was a lot of factors...growing up, families, sour business deals, money, and a need of indedpendence. I mean c'mon who would want to be in the fab four their whole life?  

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