
How did the british help india?

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How did the british help india?




  1. Trade was Britain's doorway into India. "India's trade with Europe, both by land and sea, was a constant fact of history from ancient times" (Mansingh, 34). Originally, English interests in India were merely economical. On Dec. 31, 1600, Queen Elizabeth granted a charter to the Governor and Company of merchants of London trading with the East Indies, and the English East India Trading Company established trading centers in India. Political control came gradually as residential governors began to establish the foundations of English justice, a fixed land revenue, and the first English mint in India (Benton, 143).

    When security of the trade began to suffer because of hostility from neighbors and other rival European countries, Britain was forced to form a military presence in India. "In these circumstances, the European trading posts began to serve not only as collecting and transporting points for goods but also as fortified places of refuge for foreigners and Indians alike" (Mansingh, 35). Factories in many cities began applying laws to disputes within their boundaries. "They grew in size and population. Armed servants of the company were usually protectors of trade at the time, and the company armies equipped themselves well. Their assistance came to be requested by rival contenders of the time" (Mansingh, 35). Through penetration by trade and through these spheres of influence, and then protectorate-like alliances, the company soon became the recognized political power in India.

    Britain's expansion can be attributed to more than military power. Expansion was enabled economicaly because certain Indian groups' motivations matched those of the English and they welcomed their presence. Without the aid of these groups, British rule would not have been possible (Mansingh, 37). Another decisive factor in British expansion was English assimilation to the Indian culture: "English factors or agents of the East India Company that had been formed in London, became familiar with Indian customs and languages, including Persian, the official language of the Mughal Empire. They adapted to Indian clothes and lifestyles. The knowledge of the country so gained and the cooperative tie they enjoyed with various groups of Indian traders gave them a competitive edge over other Europeans" (Mansingh, 34-35).

    Major changes occurred politically in the 19th century. Indian uprisings in 1857 brought an end to Company rule. Although this "mutiny" was quickly extinguished, Great Britain stepped in and the crown took direct control of India, remaining in power until 1947 when they withdrew and India became an independent and unified country.

    British influence had an effect on India's caste system, bringing more equality and a different sort of unity to the country. With the help of Mohamdas Gandhi the system has become more equal and less strict. Although the caste system did break up into many different castes, the develpments of the social system did aid the unification of India.

    Religion being one of the most central aspects of Indian culture, Britain could not rule the country without dealing effectively with its religions. They did not unify India religiously, but had they not accepted the existing religions, the political unity which they were able to achieve would not have been possible.

    Though probably not intentionally Great Britain played a major role in the unification of India from the time of the company's formation of trade, through their growth as a major political power, until the time that Britain, and then eventually India attained direct control.

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