
How did the british live in india ?

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in the 1800's .. during the imperialism




  1. This question is very broad. If you are interested in any particular aspect of British life in India such as Political or Social than state that. Otherwise there have been many many books written on this subject, you can read them and get the answer to your question.

  2. they ha da very good life

  3. Though we can say Royal, Happy, enjoyed, etc..,

    British ruled India to the whole benefits of Britishers.

    British treated Indians bad and eventually took all

    our resources and left us as a poorest country.

    Even today you can see the Biggest Diamond that was taken is displayed at The Queen on Jewels museum (London Tower) what more to say.*

  4. Like kings of course.

  5. Question is absolutely vague. Please specify what exactly you want to know.

  6. They lived in Royal Way &  did everything Royally at mercy of Indians !!

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