
How did the early hunter gatherer leave Africa?

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  1. Most probably over a land-bridge connecting Africa and Europe over what is now the Straits of Gibralter.  The land-bridge is known to have existed prior to its collapse or geologic disruption (continerntal drift).

    Tommytune: Very nice write up, but aren't you intertwining life-form  origination with geologic development too closely, time-wise? Millions of years for human migration vs a billion or so for continental drift. Not trying to be snotty -- just for clarification.

  2. By foot. Walking.

    By Camel, or hoofed animals.

    ...some myths say they even had the ability to Teleport, spiritual, if you beleive in that kinda thing.

  3. Actually a couple of answerers on here had the correct idea.  everything was connected.  However what some other people left out was the north and south america was also connected to  africa, asia, and europe.  at one point in this world it was all ONE continent.  when the dinosaurs roamed the earth it was all one land mass.  that's why we find bones on almost EVERY continent.  the giant land mass was called "Pangea".  That is how ancient bones were discovered on all continents.  however, over many years, Continental Drift begun to take place and we have developed into 7 continents, independently.  the continents have been seperated for millions of years now, but many australipithicines are millions of years old.

  4. The truth is that the "Out of Africa" religion is based on very little science.  Those hunter gathers livng in Asia and Europe probably moved into Africa as much as the Africans moved into Eurasia.

  5. Chained to the bunks of a slave ship. :) Sold out by his own people...LOL.....

  6. Those who have answered that man walked out of Africa by way of a land bridge in the area of the straights of Gibraltar are correct.

    Man also left Africa by way of the area in what is now the Suez canal leading to Palestine and further on into eastern Europe.It has also been determined that he also returned to Africa and Asia by the same means.

    There is strong evidence that the Northern coastline of the Mediterranean was the furthest point effected during the last Ice Age. It was towards the end of this era that settlement and civilisation appeared on the north Eastern part of Africa and in the Tigris fertile crescent.

    Scholars are unable to determine which civilisation actually developed first, the ancient Egyptian or the Mesopotamian.

  7. They walked . . . . Check any map and you will see that they could walk around the rim of the Mediterranean with very few water crossings of great consequence . . .

  8. Obviously they walked. What other mode of transportation would they have had? All of Africa, Europe, and Asia are connected (even though they're considered different continents).

  9. By walking.  If you want help with your homework, that's fine, but most people aren't going to want to write your paper for you.

    I put the Wikipedia link on it below.  For the love of Dewey, don't use that as a source.  It'll give you an overview, particularly the Exodus section.   I also found something fun, with maps and arrows and everything.  And then there's an article from National Geographic, which does count as a good source.  You're lucky I like Googling this sort of thing.

  10. i remember watching the history channel which said it was a land bridge and i think the continent was called patagonia or something similar.

  11. Visit your local library for some real sources.

    But there is little, if any proof of the Nomadic societies' travel patterns and methods.  

    The sea level was lower during the ice age- so if they took canoes; the canoes would be under hundreds of feet of water.    If they simply walked; we'd have nothing more than a few stones and bones to show their route.

    Odds are; they followed herds of animals out on foot.

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