
How did the elizabethan superstitions influence shakespears life?

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And by life I do not mean writings.




  1. Astrology was enormously popular in Elizabethan times, and many people would not embark on any important even, a journey, starting a new business, getting married etc, without having their horoscope cast to make sure of the most propitious time for doing these things.  They would also use astrology to determine the best time for doing things like taking a bath, having their hair or nails cut, taking physic or undergoing surgery.  There was a growing scepticism about astrology among educated people during the latter part of Elizabeth's reign.

    We don't really know enough about Shakespeare's life to know how much importance he would have attached to astrology himself, but it seems likely that, like the majority of elizabethans, it would have been of some interest to him.  There is mention in his works of the influence of the stars on human destiny, in the sonnets for example, and in King Lear, and Antony and Cleopatra.  Sometimes the person who pays too much attention to astrology is portrayed as foolish, as is Malvolio in Twelfth Night for example, and some characters deried the use of astrology, like Helena in All's Well That Ends Well for instance.

    Most people in Shakespeare's time believed in the existence of ghosts, and there are many ghosts in Shakespeare's plays, in Hamlet and Macbeth for instance.  Likewise most people believed in the reality of witchcraft, and there are witches in Macbeth.  Sheakespeare probably believed in the existence of such beings, as well as using them for dramatic reasons, but we don't really know.

  2. His life is his writing you can't separate it for the simple reason no one knows much about his life but lots of people know a lot about his writing:

    Superstitions of the Elizabethan Era

    Some of the superstitions that affected the daily lives of the Elizabethans are given below.

    Elizabethans believed witches can fly and they can reach the impossible distances using a broomstick. (A broomstick was one of the commonly used household items by women.)

    The Elizabethans considered an eclipse as an evil omen.

    It was during the Elizabethan era the saying "God Bless You" following a sneeze originated. The Elizabethans used this saying to ward off the devil that could enter one’s body when you open your mouth to sneeze.

    The Elizabethans believed a black cat crossing your path would cause a mishap. (This could be because the color black was associated with evil and cat was considered as a witch’s pet.)

    They also believed that the "seventh son of a seventh son" possessed supernatural powers.

    You would see a vision of your future husband by pinning bay leaves to your pillow on the eve of St Valentine’s Day.

    The saying "Touch Wood" to prevent the evil eye was one of the superstitions that had originated during the Elizabethan era.

    Walking under ladders was considered to bring bad luck, as they were associated with the gallows and executions.

    Spilling pepper or salt was considered to bring bad luck. (Probably, because spices were expensive during the Elizabethan era.)

    The Elizabethan period saw the growth in not only science and technology, but also in art and literature. It was known as the Renaissance era. Along with the scientific inventions and technology originated the superstitions of this period. Shakespeare had made use of the superstitions regarding spirits and witchcraft that prevailed in the Elizabethan society in his plays Macbeth and Hamlet.

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