
How did the ocean become... I guess salt water?

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just wondering since i just watched Day After Tomarrow again. Whats it called.. the melting ice caps of fresh water was being dumped into the ocean causing a s***w up ;x




  1. The vast expanse of water in the sea that covers most of the space on earth is salty.This is because most of the rivers and streams empty themselves into it.The rivers are strewn with rock and plant debris.

    The rocks contain many minerals and salts(especially sodium chloride) which dissolve in the water.As the rivers drain into the sea a consideable amount of salt gets dissolved in the sea water.

    When these waters evaporate due to the heat of the sun,they leave the salt behind.The evaporated water is brought back to the land in the form of rain and the rivers carry the water again to the sea.

    As this cycle is repeated,the amount of salt in the sea increases but the water content does not.May be,the sea too would have lost their salt if they had had outlets to let out the salt.

  2. all of the rivers in the world flow into the ocean. each one picks up a little bit of salt from the soil. when the water gets to the ocean it will evaporate leaving a very tiny amount of  salt. repeat for a billion years....

    melting ice caps- it is not that it is fresh it is that it will be very cold. it would mess up the deep ocean currents that bring heat to north america. read this

  3. God made it that way

  4. I have heard and read that the salt comes from rivers and stuff like that as the water makes its way to the ocean

  5. to je všeobecně známa v tento svět na nás, od konce devatenáctého století na planetě

  6. When the earth was forming salt was on the rocks. when water went on the rocks it dragged the salt with the water. Hope this helps

  7. because god hated salty foods, so he dumped it all into the oceans so he would never have to eat it again

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