
How did the pilgrims make a living such as trade,farming etc.

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How did the pilgrims make a living such as trade,farming etc.




  1. When they first arrived they were just trying to stay alive, not make a profit. They farmed and traded with the Indians to get food. Many pilgrims starved the first couple years.

    Once they were more settled they continued farming and trading with the Indians, but they also traded with other colonies (esp. The Massachusetts Bay Colony) and indirectly England. The economy in the colonies was based on trade: skins, food, mills, weaving, pottery, beads, guns, etc.  

  2. They didn't. They were ill-equipped, ill-trained and lacking in self confidence and leadership.  Then entered an Indian by the name of Squanto. He fed them, taught them to plant and hunt, and how to best use the resources available for time immemorial to survive abundantly. For this kindness he and his descendants were stripped of their language, homes, land and lives.  An odd way to repay one who saved you.

  3. The fur trade, cattle and agriculture were the Pilgrim's greatest assets.

  4. Early on it was survival economics ... farming, and hunting. Trade with England would eventually enter the picture.

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