
How did the practice get started?

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of an aviator letting a retiring military aircraft (recently the F-14), run out of fuel on her own.

I think this is such an honorable way for these aircraft to go and would love to know how it got started, how often it is done, if it only happens in the military, etc.

Whoever first started this should be highly praised, as should those who carry on this tradition. In the Tomcat's case, after 30+ years of service, what a memorable way to end a final flight.

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  1. Duck! Another MD-80!

  2. Is this true my friend, never knew this perhaps it is a good way to retire something instead of being chop to pieces and get all what is retrievable. they go out and fade.

    Thanks for the nice to know.

  3. --Maybe to minimise the defueling after landing.

  4. Liar, liar - pants on fire.

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