
How did the royal familly become the royal familly?

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i mean theyr just ppl with fancy names and titles who made them royal and why




  1. 1000 years ago their ancestors whacked someone important's head off with a sword. Ta-da, instant royalty.

  2. Their ancestors killed all the opposition

  3. Monarchy is  a form of government where their kings and queens rule their the beginning it is the people who chooses who will become their King and the king chooses who will be the successor of the throne,you can visit some sites who deals with monarchy in UK ,very interesting to read

  4. It happened hundreds of years ago...  centuries really back to Shakespearian times and way before, roman empire even...  the stronger u were, the more you could gain... and those who conquered basically set the history and future for their families... and it just stayed that way...  back then of course kingdoms were taken, ruled and then stolen...  however, now, the people you see, like say the Queen...  She is just a decedent of a really lucky guy who started it all...

    (pretty much, in lamens terms... lol )

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