
How did the solar system form and how does the condensation sequence theory explain diff. and likes?

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How did the solar system form and how does the condensation sequence theory explain diff. and likes?




  1. This is obviously a homework question...

    However, the basic idea is that the solar system formed from a cloud of dust and gas. Consequently all planets formed from the same basic materials - but then the distance from the sun dictates temperature, which determines what is stable, and whether gases can be retained as an atmosphere. So the chemical composition of the planets, and their sizes is a consequence of the abundance of the various elements involved and whether they form stable compounds/molecules or whether those gases can be held as an atmosphere

  2. There are a few theories. However, the recent discovery of gas giants so closely orbiting their stars makes the CST kind of moot in using it in some reasonable model.

  3. I perfer in the Solar Nebula Theory, where the gas from a nebula was the beginning of our solar system.

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