
How did the undocumented managed to create a surplus for the IRS with out paying any IRS taxes !!!???

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the reason why im asking this is because i keep reading in this forum than the undocumented do not pay IRS taxes yet the IRS claims they created a surplus !!!!! , please explain who did that happen i just can't get it , thanks and read the following so u see what im talking about :

undocumented immigrants are shoring up our Social Security system, providing it with a subsidy of as much as $7 billion a year – benefits they will never reap upon retirement. That represented 10 percent of the budget surplus in 2004, the difference between what the system currently receives in payroll taxes and what it doles out in pension benefits.




  1. Many illegal aliens use false social security numbers and identification.  Those who do this often get "on the books" jobs that have taxes withheld.  This provides money to the state and federal governments.

    (I am NOT pro-illegal immigration, but this is just how it occurs)

  2. Illegal aliens have taxes withheld from their paychecks and they don't claim taxes at the end of the year like everybody else, so that money stays in the system. That same money helps pay for Social Security checks and it also helps keep Medicare Afloat. They are also cosumers and they pay taxes on every purchase plus they are also taxed when they pay rent, and that helps out local shools.

    The impact on Social Security is significant, though, because most of that money is never claimed by the people who pay it but instead helps cover retirement checks to legal workers.

    Federal law prohibits paying Social Security to illegal immigrants, but the administration factors in both legal and illegal immigration when projecting the trust fund's long-term solvency.

    This is especially important as the 78 million-member baby boom generation begins to leave the work force and draw Social Security checks.

    "Overall, any type of immigration is a net positive to Social Security. The more people working and paying into the system, the better," Hinkle said. "It does help the system remain solvent."

  3. They did not.  For every website you find that proves your point, I can find one that says otherwise.

    They are still illegal.  They are not supposed to be here.  They cost us dearly, financial and otherwise.

    Report and deport.

    Protect and support the USA.

  4. Yeah, I think your info and reasoning is faulty here for any number of reasons.

    As an example your articel quoted them paying 300 mil in taxes. In Calif. alone, it has bee determined that illegals cost the State well in excess of $300 mil. $100 mil alone is to birth ANCHOR babies.

    That's in one State alone. There a huge numbers of loss that are hard to register towards these people as no one seems to know how many there are. Rumor has it that 30% plus of our Fed. prisons hold illegals for serious felony crimes. Most of them multiple offenders.

    Wonder how much loss is worth when a drunken illegal runs downs the family breadwinner of a family of 5?

    The losses to these people are in the Billions of dollars a year. Add to that the corruption of our society and the erasure of law and order.

    Then tell me how much is losing your country and the culture of it's life to a neighboring country. Over half our legal immigrants are from Mexico. Then there's another group of illegals 8 of 10 of whom are Mexicanos. Some numbers indicate the yearly illegal number is TWICE what the legal immigrants number.

    So how much do you think it would be worth if we American citizens were to lose our country to an invasion, WE ALLOWED out of our good hearted ways?

    In 20 years, if current legal immigration is not altered, we will have 4 times as many people in our country. All of these new people will be immigrants. One half of those will be Mexicanos. Add to the other half a fair % of Latins from other countries.

    Trust me when I say, what was once US of A will no longer be. We will be speaking Spanish, and our problems will be rather like what Mexico is suffering in it's quagmire NOW.

    Taxes? Ha! Stay focused on taxes. It'll keep your mind free of fear of THE INVASION.

  5. Your source is from Berkley which is the home of the most ardent supporters of the illegal aliens.  And while these folks say that...   try and find out where they got the information, and if they do produce it, read it.  It doesn't tell you what those folks have extrapolated from the information at all.

    Per the excess in Social Security: they have fake I.D.'s and they contribute to SS, but frequently do not pay taxes to the State or the Feds.  But while that is h appening, they are also using fake I.D.s and the States have discovered they are accessing enough welfare to to collect some 300 billion a year over and above everything the contribute to the economy.

    The Dark Side Of Illegal Immigration

    Facts, Figures And Statistics On Illegal Immigration

    Amnesty and Continued Low Skill Immigration Will Substantially Raise Welfare Costs and Poverty

    Illegal aliens are very, very expensive workers.

    In addition to all of the above, the employers who support those cheap wages are jiggering the IRS returns constantly.  It is a case of the mess gets deeper every day the Congress does not clean this thing up.

  6. They did not.  This is a faulty premise.

    The number that pay taxes....whether it be through ITINs are falsely used social security numbers*....are far fewer than those who work off the books.

    Besides most of those with use falsified ss numbers claim a huge number of exemptions, hence the amount withheld is minimal to begin with.

    Sorry--these illegal aliens criminals continue to cost us more than their so called contribuitons added up.  Their leeching off of education, healthcare and other infrastructure far exceed their so called contributions.

  7. Like all other government statistics this one is another bald faced lie. A surplus? You're kidding, right?

  8. Ha Ha, first of all if someone is gong to break the law and buy identity, then they wouldn't have a problem sending it in for the refund, so that's funny.  Check around if you know any or someone that employees them.

    Second anything that would fall through the cracks is taken by the cost of social services, incarceration costs, uncollected medical expenses and the like.  just one hospital in Dallas had cost over $90 million for delivering babies of "undocumented aliens".  

    Don't get me wrong, the Mexicans have been coming here since the country was started, but not the entire world. That also includes South America.  Yes those evil Republicans give them amnesty as the democrats fight it. But here is the deal the people that employ them in Congress a as nanny or whatever are just as guilty if not more in breaking federal law.

    If there is such a demand then why doesn't the government speed up legal immigration.  Clinton did increase it to 2.5 million a year and now Bush has cut it to one million, so why not increase it to four million a year.

    So for whatever good things come out of it, it's still like this, the law is made for a reason.  Obey the law and i bet everyone inthe country would talk Englsih.

    Got tickled at the lady sitting in for O'Reilly the other night as she was talking with the Islamic representative about a couple of ladies that wanted to wear their head scraffs at McDonalds and are suing for 10 million, she said why does America have to bend t all these different cultures, when they are coming here to live.

    Granted that doesn't have anything to do with your question, but the thing is that the negatives outweigh the positives.  It's too bad it is like that and maybe we should write our congresspeople and tell them to just increase legal immigration to what ever the people coming in want.  That way there will be no jobs, more crime, no social services because no money and then they will stop coming.  Far as I am concerned bring in Canada and Mexico and then the others, but it will never happen with this group in power.  For some reason they figure everyone is too stupid to see what they are doing.

    And listen do you think someone is going to pay a ton for false papaers and pay taxes and then not have someone send in for a tax refund, please.

    By the way what does this site base the average  contribution to be?  Let's say $240 a year and then divde that into your $7 billion number.and you come up with 29 million undocumented workers, which is almost triple the "ten" million that they say are here. What they need to do is make the congress make them all legal by snapping their fingers and then make the employers pay all the taxes and also make the government give them credit for taxes paid.

    I wouldn't make this your battleground banner.  You should look at their buying power, that's a ton of cash and they have the cash and send much home, but still buy food, auto pats, clothes and normal stuff.  Then you got to remember they also have to rent a place to stay, so if they all left it might just cause another crash, you never know.  But they certainly contribute to stae and fedearl taxes that way.

    Speaking of cash many have been robbed in this state because they couldn't open a savings account and that makes them a target, so something must be done, if not just a semi/temporary work permit, otherwise the whole system is just as bad as the people running the Congress now.  Have a great weekend.

    Just thought of this, some fed sites that people have linked on here state there are over 38 million here and if that is the fact then your $7 billion number may be on the ball.

    By the way wonder what destroyed Roman and other empires or countries in the past.  Honestly I could care less and you know why, becasue nothing we ants do will mean a thing.  They have it set up this way for a reason and that's that.  Never bothered me, although I have heard some hve been bothered by them, but I figure that was the gangs.

    You should also ask these type questions in the political section as that should be your battleground right now.  On this deal you will jsut hve moderates, antis and pros and although I enjoy a good fight, it really doesn't amount to a hill of beans as they are not going to do anything.  The big people are making the money, you got drugs flowing, billin made off illegal ids, tax returns, housing you name it  When you think about housing for that many people and food and gas and the like then they are paying for that.  Anyway i woluld start in on the presidential candidates people right now, but then again the candidates are not going to admit anything or address anything at this time.  You, you can make a difference, you can start it all now by having people go to the congress and straighten them out.  Sometimes it only takes one person to start a revolution and at this point I know the American peope are tired of fotting the bills  as some have said and then on the "flip/flop', the people living here in fear and not the greatest conditions are not getting the best deal in the world.  By the way I don't think the republicans are evil, just threw that in for the libs.

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