
How did the universe created and existed? what is our purpose in life?

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how did the universe created and existed? what is our purpose in life?

i dont believe that we are alone because the universe have so many Solar Systems

and i believe that from beyond light years there is a new adam and eve happening in there...

and thats why that i believe in Aliens...

my main part of question is how did the Black universe existed?

why is it that it really existed? what is our purpose in life?..

our Sun wil just explode in the next 2 billion years...

so i believe that there are other life forms in a different race or the same race as ours from other solar systems....




  1. Big Bang / Singularity / Eternity as one in the same. Simply a Theory on the Creation of the Universe(s).

    In a nut shell Synopsis: As the universe expands, and galaxies collide and form bigger and bigger black holes over billions of years, the entire universe will one day be compressed into one singularity. Then, I believe the force will be too great, and the energy within will be forced to release again, causing another big bang. And so on, and so on, and so on, and so on . . . . . . . I think the universe is like a balloon that you blow up, then let the air out of, then blow up again, and let the air out again . . . symbolically speaking. This lends to the term, Eternity. This process never stops and I believe there are an infinite number of these occurrences and a possible multi-verse occurrence as well. The problem with understanding this is that the human mind has a hard time conceiving the notion of eternity because everywhere we turn in our environment, we encounter boundaries. I truly believe that at the state we are, as humans, we cannot yet understand the great scientists' methods for making all of this work in harmony.

    Another acceptable theory to me is the Fecund Universes Theory (also called cosmological natural selection theory) of cosmology advanced by Lee Smolin suggests that the rules of biology apply on the grandest scales, and is often referred to as "cosmological natural selection". Smolin summarized the idea in a book aimed at a lay audience called The Life of the Cosmos.

    The theory surmises that a collapsing black hole causes the emergence of a new universe on the "other side", whose fundamental constant parameters (speed of light, Planck length and so forth) may differ slightly from those of the universe where the black hole collapsed. Each universe therefore gives rise to as many new universes as it has black holes. Thus the theory contains the evolutionary ideas of "reproduction" and "mutation" of universes, but has no direct analogue of natural selection. However, given any universe that can produce black holes that successfully spawn new universes, it is possible that some number of those universes will reach heat death with unsuccessful parameters. So, in a sense, fecundity cosmological natural selection is one where universes could die off before successfully reproducing, just as any human can die without having children.

    -- As for the sun exploding, never happen. It does not have enough mass. It will simply end its life as either a white dwraf or a small black hole in about 4.7 billion years.

    --- I believe our purpose in having achieved sefl awareness is to experience and learn.

    ---- As for Aliens, the universe massive and chalked full of the elements neccessary for the creation of life as we know it. It's naive to think we're alone out there.

  2. No one knows what caused the Big Bang to occur.  There are some ideas out there from multidimensional membranes crashing into each other to decoherence of multiple dimensions to a Big Crunch/Big Bang endless cycle to God just magicking everything into existence.  No one knows.  

    As for our purpose in life you really need a philosophy forum for that one.  Frankly what can be done on these forums is too limited to tackle that.  Philosophers and theologians have been chewing on that one pretty much forever.  Lots and lots of books discussing it going all the way back in history.

    My guess is the answer is 42. ;-)

  3. The Universe is a product of the Big Bang.   Read Robert Jastrow's book, "Red Giants and White Dwarfs" to see what will happen to our Sun.

    Although astronomers have discovered over 200 exoplanets, or extra solar planets outside of our solar system, many of them are planets which are "hot Jupiters". These planets orbit so close to their parent stars that their upper atmospheres are heated to 10,000 K by extreme-UV, or EUV, radiation.

    So, you might find the FRIED remains of Aliens.

    When Earth is no longer habitable (too many earthquakes, dry lightning,  flooding, pole reversals, etc) then we at least have the option of terraforming and bioforming the

    166 moons in our solar system for humankind--as I do not believe there's an exact DNA replica of Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

    Much of the Universe is made up of Dark Matter/Energy, this is what's fueling the expansion of the Universe according to astronomers.

  4. you have just asked two questions we will never know the answers it all began? who knows and I dont tink there is a purpose for life..we just have it!

  5. We speak of the Big Bang as if it's established fact. It is not. It is simply a theory, an idea, a guess. It's, so far, the best that scientific minds can come up with.

    How everything came into existence is up to each individual to decide what he/she believes. In essence, that's all any of us have; a belief.

    A short list of beliefs to choose from:

    1. Big bang

    2. God created it

    3. The Bee Gees had something to do with it

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