
How did the war in Iraq start in 2003 and why? also want details during the war?

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I was pretty young when the war started in 2003 so didn't know much about politics and all this weird **** i have now come to figure out.

So how did it start and what were the key battles and events during this?

some people say that "the war in iraq was a mistake or a lie" how so please explain.

What is the current status of the war now? What are we doing there?

is the war mostly in Afghanistan now or what? I'm confused about the whole thing and people constantly arguing over the war aren't helping me out any Also I DO NOT want some political nutcase to provide me with some stupid *** answer I want the TRUTH. thanks to all who answer.




  1. here you go, wiki have a timeline on it all

  2. yes, brilliant, 'read wikipedia.'

    Besides, most worldwide intel agencies thought he had them too. Oh everything is our fault I forgot.

  3. lol i agree with the previous guy.. well he's not a previos guy anymore, i agree with wretched :)

    but hey anyway bush had to have the official version, didnt he?

    well im interested in one thing.. if im not mistaken it was all about the chemical weapons factory or smthing like tht.. and since he didnt find any in iraq... he turned it into a war for democracy in a poor lil iraq? did i get it right? lol

  4. You want the TRUTH, you can't handle the truth!  

    Whose truth do you want CNN, FOX News, left slanted or right slanted...  Who's going to decide if it is truth or not...

    Do some basic research for yourself and decide for yourself rather than having someone spoon feed you their truth.

  5. To cut a long story short, a coalition led by the US and the United Kingdom set forth in 2003 to set up a pro-Western government and seize Iraqi oil fields.

    So they made up a story about Saddam planning to blow up half the world using biological and chemical weapons.

    Read the Wikipedia article about the Iraq war, it's well written and will provide you with all the information you need.

  6. I am going to attempt to leave all the politcal slant out of this.

    I'm going to assume you are familiar with 9/11.

    After 9/11 George Bush came on television and announced his plans to invade Iraq. He claimed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and was harboring the terrorists responsible for 9/11. Our military gathered in Kuwait. For a long time our Navy and Air Force bombed the country.

    Ground troops began moving in but by the time they had a large majority of the Iraqi army had already quit. A majority of them were hired by our government to work as translators, etc. The beginning fighting was between our troops and urban guerillas, a majority of these insurgents came from other countries.

    Saddam launched his missiles.

    They turned out to be empty tubes. More than likely left overs of an earlier time when Saddam used chemical weapons on the Kurds in northern Iraq.

    We were in Iraq, we had found out Saddam had no WMD's. George Bush announced that we were now going after Saddam Hussein. I believe we got to his sons and then to Saddam later. We found him in a hole, filthy and unshaven.

    Saddam was put on trial. He was hanged.

    So . . . No WMD's. And we got Saddam. Then George Bush announced we were now going to liberate the Iraqi people. The goal was to set up a democracy in the middle east.

    Iraq had their elections and had a large turn out.

    We gave them their democracy.

    George Bush then announced that we will not leave Iraq until Iraq can defend itself. So the military began training an Iraqi Police Force. It's been going on for almost 2 years now. Iraq currently has a large surplus in their economy and has begun producing oil and awarding contracts and exporting it.

    George Bush then announced that we will leave Iraq when Iraqi's want us to. Some time later Iraq's president said "Ok you can start withdrawing" but we're still there.

    George Bush and company basically say now "We will leave Iraq when we have won." The reason so many believe it is balony is because of how many benchmarks he has set and how well our military performed those tasks and executed them. Not a single call has gone unanswered. Unfortunately, everytime one is completed another is created by Bush to keep us there.

    And no one has yet defined what the parameters of "Winning" in Iraq is.

    Bush declared war on an Ideology. Terrorism. You cannot defeat terrorism in the same way you cannot kill a color. It's intangible.

    Oh, and those oil exports and contracts Iraq has been dishing out haven't been to us. A lot of right wing talk show hosts have been furious over this. But the war was never about oil . . . according to them.

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