
How did the war in north-west pakistan start?

by  |  earlier

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please just give me a brief summary, and add links if possible. but no links from wikipedia, cause i already have those. :]




  1. hello i m a pakistani i m also curious how did the war in north-west pakistan start?

    but i tell u from my best knowledge

    in north wes pakistan there are some millitants

    who are supported by USA

    during sowait union war USA give them weapons

    now they use these weapons against their own people

    they are also supported by Indian spy agency RAW

    there are many ambassy of india open in afghanistan

    these ambassies are the center of all fights in nort west pakistan

  2. Which one. The 19th century one or this one?

    If you mean this one it started in 2004 when the Pakistani army entered Waziristan to flush out Taliban and Al Qaeda. The Pashtuns turned on the Pakistani army and allied with the Talibs.

    The 19th century one was Britain trying to conquer the North West Frontier.

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