
How did the war start between Georgia and Russia?

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Both sides are claiming it is the other sides fault for starting this war. Who do you think started it?




  1. It’s beginning to look like the whole thing is US and Israeli inspired.

    Georgia, the ex-Soviet province, now is a member of NATO. The West is bound to protect NATO members. Georgia just attacked its own breakaway province of Ossetia, which has aligned itself with Mother Russia, despite Ossetia’s being guaranteed independence since 1992. Russia has responded with a military incursion of its own that could possibly be expected to include all of Georgia.

    Was this orchestrated at this strategic time by the USA & Israel to occupy and distract the world and Russia from an Iranian invasion? Time will tell !

  2. Georgia started shelling Ossetia and started the military invasion to that breakaway republic. Also it attacked Rusian peacekeepers troops and killed 10 solders. Russian troops came only 15 hours after that when around 1500 ossetians were already killed. Only after that the Western madia started to report about the situation making Russia look lika an agressor.

    With an international recognized agreement of 1994 Georgia doesn't have aright to bring its troops there besides combined Russian-Georgian peacemakers.

  3. georgia wants south ossetian land

    georgia goes in bombing civilians in south ossetia, basically creating a genocide of the people.

    south ossetia asks russia for help

    russia goes into georgia to fight back

    georgia plays the "we did nothing" card and asks for help from nato and the us

    everyone views russia as the bad guys.

    simple, and sick.

  4. Vreneli

    Where did you get this false idea that Georgia is a member of NATO?

    Fortunately for NATO countries that have unsolved territorial claims and conflicts are NOT allowed to join NATO.

  5. Here you have it:

    "If you’ve never heard of South Ossetia it’s understandable.

    This tiny, mountainous region in the Republic of Georgia, population only 70,000, considers itself independent from Georgia and lives that way, with its own secessionist government. Most of its citizens, ethnic Ossetians, want to be reunited with Ossetians in Russia; many of them even have Russian passports and use Russian money.

    The South Ossetians have held two referendums on independence but no country in the world has recognized their vote.

    Now, South Ossetia is engulfed in fighting, refugees are fleeing north to Russia and the international community is scrambling to avert a wider conflict."

  6. US propaganda campaigns meant to divide and conquer. the technique goes back over 2000 years. Long before any modern countries existed.  

  7. Georgia started it and are murdering innocent South Ossetians.

    Russia are fully within their rights to launch a counter offensive against the Georgians.

    Georgia has acted in an underhanded, devious manner by gambling on its ties with the USA to allow it to launch this offensive and were gambling on the hope that Russia would be too frightened of its links to the West to come to the South Ossetians aid.

    I say fair play to Russia for standing up for the South Ossetians in the face of this unnecessary aggression, after all, who else will?

    Georgia has to accept that the South Ossetian people have chosen their own destiny, and it lies with Russia not with Georgia.

    After all, it was ok for Kosovo to break away from Serbia, wasn't it?

    TBH it's a shame because I want to support the Georgian people, but not in this.

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