
How did the world begin? big bang or other theories but any type of "how the world

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big bang or other theories but any type of "how the world began"




  1. The Big Bang theory

    About fifteen billion years ago, give or take five billion years, a huge cloud of matter pieces in all kinds of sizes was slowly rotating around itself. Although in the beginning it would be shapeless, the cloud would become discus-shaped through the M100 Galaxy rotating. Because of their gravity, the matter pieces would start to attract each other and a center would develop, which would get hot through the contractions and would start to shine- the birth of the sun.   The Big Bang theory is a quite widely accepted theory about the origin of the universe. It states that between 10 to 20 billion years ago the entire universe was compressed into the confines of an atomic nucleus. From that unimaginable dense and extremely hot state of being it exploded with trillions of degrees in temperature, creating time and space itself- the Big Bang, the birth of the universe. The universe initially consisted of a very hot, dense fireball of expanding, cooling gas. After about one million years the gas started to condense into different clumps called radiogalaxies. During the next five billion years the clumps of gas continued condensing and formed galaxies, in which stars were being born. Today, billions of years after the Big Bang, the universe is still expanding. Astronomers don't know if the universe is "closed", which means it will stop expanding someday and start to condense, or if it is „open," which means that it could expand forever.

    The meteorite theory of Immanuel Kant

    The German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724 - 1804) put up a theory which is believed to be the oldest meteorite theory. Kant believes that a huge cloud of meteorites stood at the beginning of our solar system. This cloud, so Kant, turned slowly around itself. Through this circling the cloud got a discus-shaped shape. Through their attraction under each other the meteorites would start to form a mass-cent re. It would get so hot through contractions that it would start to glow. That would have been the „birth" of the sun. In some distance from the sun there some other, smaller mass-cent res could have been formed, which started to circle the sun - the planets.

    The Nebular theory of Pierre Laplace

    The french mathematician Pierre Simon Marquis DE Laplace (1749 - 1872) developed the ideas of Kant further. Because of this his theory is also known as the Kant-Laplace Nebular theory. Laplace believes that in the beginning there was a huge cloud of hot gas which rotated slowly. It started to condense while it cooled off. Through this the gravitation of the particles got big enough and formed a discus-shaped „Prue-sun". Through further condensing the cent re of the Prue-sun became hot again and the the rotation speed got faster. So the more the gas cloud condenses, the hotter the cent re becomes and the faster the rotation speed gets. Because of this - so Laplace - the centrifugal force would become stronger than the gravitational pull, so a ring would detach itself. Because of the different attractions of the particles in the ring it would tear apart and from the different pieces the planets would form - still circling the sun.

    The turbulence theory of Carl F. Whisker

    In 1944 the German physicist and philosopher Carl Friedrich Von Whisker put up a new theory about the genesis of the solar system: the turbulence theory. It claims, that particles in a nebula, a cloud of dust and gas inside a galaxy, move absolutely unsystematic ally and uncoordinated. Because of these movements, whirls and turbulence come into being, which start rotating in the same way as the whole nebula. Where two whirls come together, there is an accumulation of these particles, which, through their attraction start to pull other particles and hold them in place. Like this, there are many different „clumps" circling around a centered „clump". This clump later becomes the sun and the other clumps circling around it planets. Of course these are very brief explanations and one could have written much more details. Yet our aim is to just give a short overview and not to explain everything completely.

    The Creation theory

    „In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  And God said, „Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light to the earth." And it was so. God made two great lights- the greater light was to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning- the fourth day ( for the Jews, the next day started with the evening )." This text is found in Genesis, the first book of the bible, in the first chapter. It tells about God creating the entire universe, the „heavens and the earth", with everything in it, in just six days. It is actually quite simple, and maybe just because of this powerful simpleness it is hard for many to believe in creation.  For the whole creation text in Genesis chapter one, click here. Well, here are two of many different theories about the genesis of the solar system, the earth and the entire universe. One can not say which one is true or false, and each individual has decide for himself what he wants to believe.

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