
How did they get Rebecca Michaels lip to look like it was swelling.?

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During SummerSlam Rebecca Michaels gets puunched , when you see her on the ground latter her lip is swollen. After reviewing in slowmo I see she did not take a direct hit to the face. How did they get her lip to look like it was swelling.




  1. She reeli took a shot

  2. She actually got hit in the lip

  3. Actually she did take a hit to her lip. And jericho hit very hard so it's swollen for real.

  4. Rebecca Michaels took what's commonly known in the business of wrestling as a "hard way" meaning, she took a real punch.  It's rare, but not uncommon, although I must say I don't think I've ever seen a female take one, much less one that wasn't a wrestler.  Kudos to Becky for taking one for the team.

  5. Actually, it was swelling for real. Jericho's shot was stiffer than it should have been, but not too serious though.

  6. It's real.

  7. Don't forget Shawn Michaels' wife is a former WCW Nitro Girl, so she is not a novice at being in the ring.  

  8. they said she got a cracked jaw or something like that. my question is why did Shawn wimp out and not go after Y2J

  9. They undid the botox or what ever its called.

  10. I think it really happened. They would of had some real fast make up artist if it was fake.

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