
How did they make this video look so real?

by  |  earlier

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Obviously its fake because no way you could do what they did on 00:06 and 00:26 you can argue and tell me its real but please give me a reason dont just say its not fake im curious because it looks very real but i doubt anyone can do that k thnx




  1. That is so fake look at 0:11 how fake is that

    stupid video

    Hope my critiscism helped

  2. half of that was fake with the highway! and i know ppl that can do 00:06! and alot of of other parts to!

  3. All the actors in that commercial are part of a mixed martial arts team that Nike employed to help with the commercial. There is a 'making of' video somewhere on youtube that shows some of it (like the spinning kick) could be real, just took many tries to get right. These people, however are not real soccer players or freestylers so I think anything that has to do with control, ex. juggling, is probably fake. Getting a bunch of spins in before kicking something is can probably be done by these guys.

  4. most of that video are professional stunt men go to and watch the fifa street video. these guys are the actors in this commercial and the soccer ball has been digitally inserted for more than half of the commercial.

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