
How did this conflict between Russia and Georgia start??

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Also, do you belive that the United States will get involved if Russia does not stay true to its words and withdraw from Georgia?




  1. "It's not me its u" has a good short term explanation for the conflict, but "shakespeares" right too, there's a long history of distrust between the two peoples. Look at George Vernadsky's history of Russia series for detailed accounts of their historical relations.

  2. Georgia invaded the brake away region-which is de facto independent-of South Osetia, which declared its intention to remain loyal to Russia. During this invasion, many civilians were massacred and 10 Russian peacekeepers were killed. The Israeli media started celebrating. So due to all this, Russia had no choice but to do the right thing, namely to save South Osetia from the invaders, to boost its security and that of another de facto independent state, inhabited by a Georgian tribe, Abkhazia. Russia did it by pushing deep into Georgia's territory. Later it withdrew, but it still holds a buffer zone it doesn't intend to withdraw.

    But Russia kepts its word and withdrew from other parts of Georgia.

  3. The US is involved - that is one of the reasons for the conflict.

    The US has had troops in Georgia for several years now.  Russia is understandably not too happy about having US troops in its backyard.

    Georgia started the war hoping that the US would bail them out and protect them, this is what is happening now.

    The Russians just want to protect their citizens, their strategic concerns, their national interests and their trade from increasing US encroachment.


    Aviatorboy  - whilst not disagreeing with you - George Vernadsky's work is very old now - the archives have been partially opened and recent histories are more accurate.

    Like Richard Sawka's brilliant Russian Politics and Society or even Sergio Beria's - Beria: My Father

    For a good introduction to Georgian history see:

  4. Russia has been wanting to regain control of the Baltic states Georgia and the Ukraine. They have been wanting to regain the status they had back during the cold war. No one can sat for sure how the conflict started. Reports conflict some say it was the Russian's others say it was the Georgians. One must keep in mind the major stations in Russia are state run. True unbiased reporting DOES NOT HAPPEN in Russia. It is wise to take what Russia tells us with a grain of salt. They have proven over the past several days they cannot be trusted. I think a joint NATO action should happen. America should not go in alone.

  5. Even deeper is the fact that there has been centuries-long hatred and distrust between the Russians and Georgians (although some Georgians made advances in Russian society--most notably, Stalin).

    Edit: Who's the idiot that gave me a thumbs down? My answer is historically accurate. Someone who would imply that Russian-Georgian relations have been warm and sunny is ignorant of the history of those peoples!

  6. It started after the breakup of the Soviet Union.  In the early 90s, Georgia was one of the new countries.  They took with them S. Ossettia which wanted to stay with their brethren in North Ossetta who remained with Russia.  Fighting broke out in the mid 90s and was ended by a truce signed by all parties, which allowed Russian peacekeepers to remain in the area.

    This past August 6th, Georgia tried to reassert its authority over the breakaway province, and the rest you probably know.

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