
How did this man get this huge?

by  |  earlier

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I don't get it. Who in the world would deliver enough cooked food on a daily basis to someone w/ an weight problem - in bed - to get them so enormous that they couldn't even get out of bed any more....and then continue on til they were designated as the fattest person in the world?

I am very happy this guy is getting his life together, and very happy for him that he has a fiance, and finally got to get out of the house for 3rd time in 6 years....

But that isn't my question - isn't Mexico supposed to be impoverished? How can this be so if his only parent (from what I can tell), his mother, he his sole form of support. Do single women make so much money in Mexico that they can afford to not only support non-working adult children, but feed them this much?

Please understand - this is not a dig at Uribe.....I just plain don't get it - would someone enlightened person please explain....




  1. Yeah your question is the same as mine has been for years. He's not the only one that is in that position in an impoverished state.

    How the h**l do they get that big with so little to do so? I've often wondered how it was done.

    I'm just as confused about the state of those people as you are.

  2. i always wonder how they can get so much food when they dont go out

    who brings them food , how can he afford it if they are takeaways

    if i knew him i would take him healthy meals and fruit for snacks

    he seems a nice man from what i saw of him on tv i hope he gets himself sorted out  

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