
How did tickling evolve and what purpose did it originally serve?

by  |  earlier

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doing a report on the argument of beauty and wanted to use it.




  1. Hm... I don't know if tickling does serve any purpose... I might just be the nerve endings in you skin reacting to the un-even pressure. There are more nerve endings in certain places on your body (ex. feet), which is why it tickles more in those places.

  2. You're ticklish where blood vessels and nerves are close to the surface. Laughing from being tickled is actually a form of cry for the person tickling you to stop.

    That is why you cannot tickle yourself- you know you can stop when you want to.

    Originally, I assume the sensation associated with tickling would be used as a defense mechanism since it is felt at areas of vulnerability.

  3. Chines used to Torcher people that way,   way back in the day

  4. hah thats a good question lol. I did a report on this a wayy long time ago. i remember reading that indians used it to heal cuts because tickling certain spots would move blood to certain areas more quickly. They can also be used to make someone sick and possible to torture someone. For instance, wen the native people were in war, they would capture a hostage and tickle them to death (which is were you get that sentance from) once ticked past that point your muscles freeze up and no blood flows yo your heart so you die. Ahh this brings back the very good project i did about this subject. i just blew everyone out the door with it :P bot an A++

  5. From an evolutionary standpoint, the most vulnerable areas of the body, such as the feet or gut, are the most ticklish, and tickling makes you learn to protect those areas from attack.

  6. The tickling sensation primarily serves to let you know that something is touching you and it does not have to be painful.  If a lady bug lands on your hand and walks up your arm, it will give a slight "tickle" sensation.  

    I would imagine that tickling has been around since the first humans walked the earth and it was probably discovered by an accidental touching which elicited a laughing response from the ticklee.   This probably pleased the tickler and it grew from there.  Some people enjoyed being tickled and some did not but many laughed regardless of their likes or dislikes.

    Tickling has played a positive effect in bonding, too.  What happens when a mother playfully tickles her baby?  The baby laughs and smiles.  What does the mother do?  She laughs and smiles at the baby.  What does the baby feel?  In addition to the tickles, the baby feels the warmth and love of its mother.

    Tickling also can be a great bonding technique for couples as well.  The important thing is that it is fun and concensual for both parties.  Non-concensual tickling can be disrespectful and borderline abusive.

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