
How did u know about Jonas Brothers?

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Was it DIsney Channel???




  1. Disney Channel when they played one of their music videos is when i first heard them. I loved them ever since.

  2. nopee i heard about them when they were with Columbia Records,before disney. I heard year 3000 (which was on their 1st and second album) and i was like woaah this is pretty awesome.  

  3. I didn't know they were with Disney at the time. But I turned on the radio and SOS was playing. I fell in love then found out they were with JB. Now im not a huge fan of Disney but in this case i don't care

  4. Disney channel;...

  5. People won't shut up about them in this section.

  6. not disney channel, my cousin

  7. From my friend.

    I think she knew them from their 1st album before Disney.

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