
How did winning your first prize or trophy feel?

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It could be any prize at any show for anything to do with horses. Those of you who havent won can hear how it feels!!!




  1. like...FINALLY

  2. I can't remember my first placings, but I remember my first 1st place ribbon, it was at a big event, and someone had asked me to ride their A grade show jumper in a flat show class. He was brilliant we looked and felt fantastic together. Won the first two classes, came into the 3 full of high hopes and he dropped me in the middle of the ring!

    Back to earth - but we later competed in the hunter jumping and he was The Man - wow I still have the feeling jumping that fellow. So much power and grace, great SJ just seem to have that natural relaxed technique.

    Thanks for reminding me of those days....happy memories. :)

    PS. now I watch my children, my daughter has already won lots but one of my boys has yet to get higher than a 2nd - maybe this season he'll get a first. :) .....

  3. . so first i would like to mention that im still training my mare and by myself to. ok so at pre-fair and fair every one either gets a blue, red or white ribbon ( 1st, 2nd, 3rd place basicly). But this was my first year showing and at pre-fair i got all white ribbons and ya i was realy bummed. well then at Fair I got two reds I was so happy becuase my horse did so great and the training had defiantly showed. I havnt won first prize or a blue yet but i realy dont expect to until my horse gets the slow jog down lol.

  4. I think the best would have been my first show, when I won my first ribbon (it was a third too!) and then it was followed with several firsts! It was great because my mom was so worried I would be disappointed if I didnt do well hahaha.

    Next to that would be getting Reserve at Collegiate Regions and qualifying for Zones! (I got fourth at that...still awesome tho... the ribbons were about a tall as me LOL!)

  5. This makes me crazy.  I know I'm old, but until I realized I couldn't remember when I won my first ribbon, I didn't realize I was also senile!

    I'm sure I felt ecstatic...I wish I could remember it....arrrgggghhhh.

  6. For me it was GREAT!!  I was riding a big 16hh 2 year old gelding that was owned by my boss, and they were gracious enough to let me show ( I now own his little brother who is almost 16hh and coming up on 3).  Until that point I had always ridden on trails or for fun, and that was one of the best days I ever had.  The only thing that topped it was when I took my black mare to a futurity after having trained her and shown her all summer, and won the yearling longeline class!

  7. Well it made me feel kind of relieved because its kind of proof that i'm becoming a good lil rider. =)

  8. My first trophey was my last gymkanna at my old riding school

    we had worked really well together that day and started off half way through the year absolutly hating each other,

    in the end i was s unhappy to leave (needed to move to advance my skills)

    Tom was usually naughty at the gymkannas before so i sat there for 2 hours talking to him

    in the end we won best in dressage, showjumping, and my irst group champion..

    i miss him

  9. GREAT!  First blue ribbon and I cried like a baby.  A ring full of beautiful thoroughbreds and me on my little 14.2 grade gelding and we stomped 'em!   :)  Just a little schooling show but I was so proud...  

  10. The first show I ever entered was more for the benefit of my horse, who had some "issues" and needed to be exposed to different situations.  It was a fun show, and it was a class of two.  We won second, LOL.  I was SO proud of her because she kept her cool and didn't have a freakout moment.  

  11. in shock - my TB ex racehorse was up against pro's in an unaffliated show jumping event

    the first show we did we came 6th, then we won the second show! overjoyed and in shock

    only problem is once you start winning, you dont expect anything else but winning! the downfall to 2nd, 3rd or knocking a pole just isnt good enough!

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