
How did y'all like that little Obama bash fest last night.. a.k.a. The republican convention?

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I thought it was all bark no bite , full of partisan attacks but not deep on issues or ideas. Resembled more of a WWE event than a Republican gathering. What do you think?




  1. I enjoyed Palin's speech. Tonight I'm looking forward to O'Reilly interviewing Obama on Fox News.  

  2. I have to say it disappointed me, they spent most of their time talking about their opponent instead of themselves. Both parties do this, and it's getting annoying now.

  3. Not "deep" on issues?  It was absent on any issues.  It was the same old GOP stuff...Lispy (aka Giuliani) yapped about 9/11 this 9/11 that and everyone attacked Obama.  I guess that's their only route when they don't have anything good to say about themselves.  Jealousy is an ugly emotion.  Luckily, more trash is coming out about Palin on an hourly basis...she was the greatest thing to ever happen...for Obama!

  4. Resembled a Klan meeting! I've seen more colors at a white sale!

  5. I think it showed the desperation of the republicans. They will do anything to win...   but I think their mission failed because they only appealed to neo-cons, disgruntled women, and Obama haters, and not that of the swing voters which they desperately need. I think Republicans fell in love with Palin prematurely, strong conservatives loved her, but no knowledge on her politics only her strong conservative views.  

  6. You can from Sarah's speech that she is not prepared for the job. Rudy did a better job than she did. A few times she was up there, she just looked confused (perhaps she's wondering why she was picked for a job she can't do)

  7. Well that is what happens when all the McCain supporters get together. verbal attacks on their opponents because they can't talk on the real issues facing their party and most importantly America's problems

  8. it was horriable

  9. Yes they lowered themselves down to obama's level.

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